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5 - Create an SDF

The Suite Definition File (SDF) tells the CCPP-Framework which schemes will be run in what order. For more, see CCPP in CAM-SIMA

  • In $CAM-SIMA/src/physics/ncar_ccpp, create suite_<parameterization>.xml. This is your SDF!
  • See the template below. You will need to select either physics_before_coupler or physics_after_coupler as your group name.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<suite name="<parameterization>" version="1.0">  
   <group name="physics_X_coupler">  
CAM physpkg routine CAM-SIMA SDF Group Description
tphysbc physics_before_coupler Physics schemes run before the surface coupler is called
tphysac physics_after_coupler Physics schemes run after the surface coupler is called
  • Add any interstitials which you’ve created or are using in the appropriate location relative to your parameterization

For example: if your parameterization requires dry water vapor, you'll want to add:

  • <scheme>wet_to_dry_water_vapor</scheme> before your core parameterization scheme to convert water vapor to a dry mixing ratio (CAM-SIMA has "wet")
  • <scheme>dry_to_wet_water_vapor</scheme> after your parameterization scheme to convert back to a wet mixing ratio to return to CAM-SIMA

Once you have created your SDF, proceed to 6 - Create snapshots of CAM