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4 - Interstitials


An interstitial is a scheme that does calculations or variable modifications to connect what the host model has to what the scheme requires and vice versa.

  • These schemes are placed before or after the core parameterization scheme in the suite definition file (SDF) to prep for the scheme or take what the scheme produces and translate it back to what the host model (CAM-SIMA) expects
  • In CAM, interstitial code will appear as either function calls or calculations/modifications in the CAM interface just before or just after the call to the parameterization
    • If the interstitial code is a function call, that function/module should be CCPP-ized (if not already) and that scheme will be included in the SDF
    • It the interstitial code is loose in the CAM interface, it is recommended that, when possible, that code be moved into the scheme (either the beginning or end of the scheme subroutine)
      • UNLESS: it's a common (across multiple parameterizations) calculation/translation/modification. In which case, a new scheme should be created to do that calculation (scheme will live in $CAM-SIMA/src/physics/ncar_ccpp/utilities)
      • If it is absolutely necessary to create a scheme-specific interstitial, that scheme should be called <parameterization>_pre or _post (depending on where in the SDF it will be placed) and will live in the ncar_ccpp/<parameterization> directory

This section covers a few interstitial scenarios you are likely to face.

Diagnostics interstitial

All addfld/outfld calls will go in a <parameterization>_diagnostic.F90 interstitial:

  • addfld calls will go into the <parameterization>_diagnostic_init subroutine
  • outfld calls will go into the <parameterization>_diagnostic_run subroutine
  • The interstitial itself will reside after the <parameterization> line in the SDF
    • See: History Usage for the specifications of the CAM-SIMA-versions of addfld and outfld calls


As mentioned, there are some calculations/conversions/translations that are performed often throughout the physics code in CAM. These schemes are available for use in the $CAM-SIMA/src/physics/ncar_ccpp/utilities directory and include:

  • state_converters.F90: contains common conversions/calculations of state variables, including these schemes:
Scheme name Description Output variable Input variables
temp_to_potential_temp convert temperature to potential temperature air_potential_temperature air_temperature
potential_temp_to_temp convert potential temperature to temperature air_temperature air_potential_temperature
calc_dry_air_ideal_gas_density Calculate density from equation of state/ideal gas law dry_air_density composition_dependent_gas_constant_of_dry_air
calc_exner calculate dimensionless exner function dimensionless_exner_function composition_dependent_specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
wet_to_dry_water_vapor convert water vapor from wet to dry mixing ratio water_vapor_mixing_ratio_wrt_dry_air air_pressure_thickness
dry_to_wet_water_vapor convert water vapor from dry to wet mixing ratio water_vapor_mixing_ratio_wrt_moist_air_and_condensed_water air_pressure_thickness
wet_to_dry_cloud_liquid_water convert cloud liquid from wet to dry mixing ratio cloud_liquid_water_mixing_ratio_wrt_dry_air air_pressure_thickness
dry_to_wet_cloud_liquid_water convert cloud liquid from dry to wet mixing ratio cloud_liquid_water_mixing_ratio_wrt_moist_air_and_condensed_water air_pressure_thickness
wet_to_dry_rain convert rain from wet to dry mixing ratio rain_mixing_ratio_wrt_dry_air air_pressure_thickness
dry_to_wet_rain convert rain from dry to wet mixing ratio rain_mixing_ratio_wrt_moist_air_and_condensed_water air_pressure_thickness
  • geopotential_temp.F90:
    • geopotential_temp: compute geopotential height (geopotential_height_wrt_surface) and geopotential height at interfaces (geopotential_height_wrt_surface_at_interface) from temperature (air_temperature)
  • static_energy.F90
    • update_dry_static_energy: calculate dry static energy (dry_static_energy)
  • qneg.F90:

    • qneg: Set values for constituent variables that are less than the minimum value to the minimum value (and print out what it's doing - configurable!)
    • You will want to include qneg in your SDF if you are modifying constituent tendencies in your scheme. It should be after the tendencies are applied and before geopotential_temp
    • If qneg is in your SDF, you will need to provide the output variable scheme_name in your physics parameterization that is modifying constituent tendencies

      scheme_name variable

      If you skip this step, you will get either parse_source.CCPPError: Input argument for qneg_run, scheme_name, not found, or an incorrect scheme_name from a previous routine will be used

  • physics_tendency_updaters.F90: apply tendencies output by physics to state variables. You'll need to include a tendency updater in your SDF for any ptend%X variables in the CAM-version of your code.

Scheme name Description Inout variable Input variable
Apply the eastward wind tendency calculated in the previous physics scheme(s) to the eastward_wind state variable eastward_wind tendency_of_eastward_wind_
Apply the northward wind tendency calculated in the previous physics scheme(s) to the northward_wind state variable northward_wind tendency_of_northward_wind_
apply_heating_rate Apply the heating rate (tendency_of_dry_air_enthalpy_at_constant_pressure) to the temperature tendency and temperature state variable air_temperature
Apply the temperature tendency calculated in the previous physics scheme(s) to the air_temperature state variable air_temperature tendency_of_air_temperature_

Temporary constituent handling

For now, we don't have tendency updaters for the constituents. As a result, if your parameterization includes one or more constituent, you'll have to do a little finagling.

Problem overview

CAM outputs a tendency and then passes that tendency to physics_update to be added to state%q, but CAM-SIMA (currently) updates the constituent array directly

  1. Write the scheme to update the constituent data directly (constituent variable passed in with intent(inout))
  2. In CAM, pass in a temporary array for the constituent rather than the actual state%q(:,:,index)
  3. Then, back out the tendency after calling scheme_run and reassign that to state%q(:,:,index)

An example of how this is done can be found ~line 276 in:


Proceed to 5 - Create an SDF.


You may have to revisit this step as you debug your code.