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Walkthrough Example

GASP! Our favorite imaginary software engineer Bug E. Code has been tasked with CCPP-izing lunar_tides*!

*Scheme doesn't do anything outside of WACCM; chosen because it won't be CCPP-ized for real any time soon (so you can see what the existing code looks like)

Here's how Bug completes this assignment...

0 - Background & prep work

  1. Bug updates the conversion spreadsheet with his new assignment.


  2. Bug opens issues in ESCOMP/CAM and ESCOMP/atmospheric_physics



  3. He sets up his sandbox (with his preexisting forks) and copies the portable layer via the following commands:

git clone -o bugsy9236 CAM
cd CAM
git fetch --tags ESCOMP
git branch ccppize-lunar-tides ESCOMP/cam_development
git checkout ccppize-lunar-tides 
git push -u bugsy9236 ccppize-lunar-tides
bin/git-fleximod update
cd ..
git clone -o bugsy9236 CAM-SIMA
git remote add ESCOMP
git fetch --tags ESCOMP
git branch ccppize-lunar-tides ESCOMP/development
git checkout ccppize-lunar-tides 
git push -u bugsy9236 ccppize-lunar-tides
bin/git-fleximod update
mkdir src/physics/ncar_ccpp/schemes/lunar_tides
cp ../CAM/src/physics/cam/lunar_tides.F90 src/physics/ncar_ccpp/schemes/lunar_tides/
cd src/physics/ncar_ccpp
git remote add bugsy9236
git fetch bugsy9236
git checkout -b ccppize-lunar-tides
git push -u bugsy9236 ccppize-lunar-tides

1 - Convert the portable layer

1a - Change routine names

Bug notes that there are three routines in lunar_tides.F90:

public :: lunar_tides_readnl
public :: lunar_tides_init
public :: lunar_tides_tend
  1. He ignores lunar_tides_readnl for now (just leaves it as is)
  2. He's pretty sure that lunar_tides_init is an init routine, but confirms this by checking where it is called in physpkg.F90. It is indeed called by phys_init, so he can comfortably keep the lunar_tides_init routine name as is. No action needed here yet.
  3. Bug determines that lunar_tides_tend is called in tphysac (called every timestep after the coupler), so he renames lunar_tides_tend to lunar_tides_run throughout the module and proceeds

End result:

public :: lunar_tides_readnl
public :: lunar_tides_init
public :: lunar_tides_run

1b - Add required \htmlinclude lines

Bug adds the necessary two lines above both the lunar_tides_init and lunar_tides_run routines.

!> \section arg_table_lunar_tides_init Argument Table
!! \htmlinclude lunar_tides_init.html
  subroutine lunar_tides_init()
    use cam_history, only: addfld
    use time_manager,only: timemgr_get_calendar_cf

    if (apply_lunar_tides) then
       if (timemgr_get_calendar_cf().ne.'gregorian') then
          call endrun('lunar_tides_init: calendar must be gregorian')
       call addfld('UT_LUNAR', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','m/s2','Zonal wind tendency due to lunar tides')
       call addfld('VT_LUNAR', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','m/s2','Meridional wind tendency due to lunar tides')
    end if

  end subroutine lunar_tides_init

!> \section arg_table_lunar_tides_run Argument Table
!! \htmlinclude lunar_tides_run.html
  subroutine lunar_tides_run( state, ptend )
    use time_manager, only: get_curr_date, get_julday
    use physconst,    only: pi, rearth
    use ppgrid,       only: pver
    use cam_history,  only: outfld

    type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state
    type(physics_ptend), intent(out):: ptend

1c - Clean up dummy argument dimensions

Bug makes sure no input/output variables have named dimensions in their declaration inside the routines. In this case, there are no dimensioned variables in the argument lists. So hooray!

1d - Use kind_phys instead of r8

Bug changes the use statement

use shr_kind_mod,   only: r8=>shr_kind_r8


use ccpp_kinds, only: kind_phys

And does a find-and-replace for r8 with kind_phys

lunar_tides_run change (old -> new):

subroutine lunar_tides_run( state, ptend )
    use time_manager, only: get_curr_date, get_julday
    use physconst,    only: pi, rearth
    use ppgrid,       only: pver
    use cam_history,  only: outfld

    type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state
    type(physics_ptend), intent(out):: ptend

    integer  :: tod,yr,mm,dd
    real(r8) :: jd,nu,lt,lun_lt

    integer :: i, k

    real(r8), parameter :: deg2hrs = 1._r8/15._r8
    real(r8), parameter :: rad2deg = 180._r8/pi
    real(r8), parameter :: rad2hrs = rad2deg*deg2hrs
    real(r8), parameter :: tod2hrs = 24._r8/86400._r8
    real(r8), parameter :: hrs2rad = 1._r8/rad2hrs
subroutine lunar_tides_run( state, ptend )
    use time_manager, only: get_curr_date, get_julday
    use physconst,    only: pi, rearth
    use ppgrid,       only: pver
    use cam_history,  only: outfld

    type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state
    type(physics_ptend), intent(out):: ptend

    integer  :: tod,yr,mm,dd
    real(kind_phys) :: jd,nu,lt,lun_lt

    integer :: i, k

    real(kind_phys), parameter :: deg2hrs = 1._kind_phys/15._kind_phys
    real(kind_phys), parameter :: rad2deg = 180._kind_phys/pi
    real(kind_phys), parameter :: rad2hrs = rad2deg*deg2hrs
    real(kind_phys), parameter :: tod2hrs = 24._kind_phys/86400._kind_phys
    real(kind_phys), parameter :: hrs2rad = 1._kind_phys/rad2hrs

1e - Remove use statements

Bug removes the use statements (except for addfld and outfld calls) and adds the relevant variables to the calling list. He also comments out any use statements from cam_history as well as any addfld and outfld calls. He also moves the namelist variable to module-level (above the CONTAINS statement) and passes it in to the calling list for _init

For lunar_tides_init:

subroutine lunar_tides_init()
    use cam_history, only: addfld
    use time_manager,only: timemgr_get_calendar_cf

    if (apply_lunar_tides) then
       if (timemgr_get_calendar_cf().ne.'gregorian') then
          call endrun('lunar_tides_init: calendar must be gregorian')
       call addfld('UT_LUNAR', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','m/s2','Zonal wind tendency due to lunar tides')
       call addfld('VT_LUNAR', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','m/s2','Meridional wind tendency due to lunar tides')
    end if

  end subroutine lunar_tides_init
subroutine lunar_tides_init(calendar, apply_lunar_tides_in)
    !use cam_history, only: addfld
    character(len=32), intent(in) :: calendar
    logical,           intent(in) :: apply_lunar_tides_in

    apply_lunar_tides = apply_lunar_tides_in

    if (apply_lunar_tides) then
       if ('gregorian') then
          call endrun('lunar_tides_init: calendar must be gregorian')
       !call addfld('UT_LUNAR', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','m/s2','Zonal wind tendency due to lunar tides')
       !call addfld('VT_LUNAR', (/ 'lev' /), 'A','m/s2','Meridional wind tendency due to lunar tides')
    end if

  end subroutine lunar_tides_init

For lunar_tides_run:

subroutine lunar_tides_run( state, ptend )
    use time_manager, only: get_curr_date, get_julday
    use physconst,    only: pi, rearth
    use ppgrid,       only: pver
    use cam_history,  only: outfld

    type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state
    type(physics_ptend), intent(out):: ptend
subroutine lunar_tides_run(state, ptend, curr_date_yr, &
     curr_date_mm, curr_date_dd, curr_date_tod, julday, &
     pi, rearth, pver)
    !use cam_history,  only: outfld

    type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state
    type(physics_ptend), intent(out):: ptend
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_yr
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_mm
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_dd
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_tod
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: julday
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: pi
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: rearth
    integer,             intent(in) :: pver

1f - Add error variables

Bug adds the errmsg and errflg variables to the end of the calling list and initializes them.

subroutine lunar_tides_run(state, ptend, curr_date_yr, &
     curr_date_mm, curr_date_dd, curr_date_tod, julday, &
     pi, rearth, pver, errmsg, errflg)
    !use cam_history,  only: outfld

    type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state
    type(physics_ptend), intent(out):: ptend
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_yr
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_mm
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_dd
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_tod
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: julday
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: pi
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: rearth
    integer,             intent(in) :: pver
    character(len=512),  intent(out):: errmsg
    integer,             intent(out):: errflg


    errflg = 0
    errmsg = ''

1g - Replace state and ptend variables in calling list

lunar_tides_run includes both state and ptend! Bug starts with state and figures out which state variables are used in the routine

  • He determines that the routine uses state%lat, state%lon, state%ncols, and state%zm
  • He passes each in individually and ends up with:
subroutine lunar_tides_run(ncols, lat, lon, zm, ptend, &
     curr_date_yr, curr_date_mm, curr_date_dd, curr_date_tod, &
     julday, pi, rearth, pver, errmsg, errflg)
    !use cam_history,  only: outfld

    integer,             intent(in) :: ncols
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: lat(:)
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: lon(:)
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: zm(:,:)
    type(physics_ptend), intent(out):: ptend
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_yr
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_mm
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_dd
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_tod
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: julday
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: pi
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: rearth
    integer,             intent(in) :: pver
    character(len=512),  intent(out):: errmsg
    integer,             intent(out):: errflg

Now he does the same with ptend (the routine uses ptend%u and ptend%v) and ends up with:

subroutine lunar_tides_run(ncols, lat, lon, zm, dudt, dvdt, &
     curr_date_yr, curr_date_mm, curr_date_dd, curr_date_tod, &
     julday, pi, rearth, pver, errmsg, errflg)
    !use cam_history,  only: outfld

    integer,             intent(in) :: ncols
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: lat(:)
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: lon(:)
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: zm(:,:)
    real(kind_phys),     intent(out):: dudt(:,:)
    real(kind_phys),     intent(out):: dvdt(:,;)
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_yr
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_mm
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_dd
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_tod
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: julday
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: pi
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: rearth
    integer,             intent(in) :: pver
    character(len=512),  intent(out):: errmsg
    integer,             intent(out):: errflg

As part of removing ptend, Bug removes the call to physics_ptend_init in lunar_tides_run

Replacing all the relevant variables in the routine results in...

subroutine lunar_tides_run(ncols, lat, lon, zm, dudt, dvdt, &
     curr_date_yr, curr_date_mm, curr_date_dd, curr_date_tod, &
     julday, pi, rearth, pver, errmsg, errflg)
    !use cam_history,  only: outfld

    integer,             intent(in) :: ncols
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: lat(:)
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: lon(:)
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: zm(:,:)
    real(kind_phys),     intent(out):: dudt(:,:)
    real(kind_phys),     intent(out):: dvdt(:,;)
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_yr
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_mm
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_dd
    integer,             intent(in) :: curr_date_tod
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: julday
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: pi
    real(kind_phys),     intent(in) :: rearth
    integer,             intent(in) :: pver
    character(len=512),  intent(out):: errmsg
    integer,             intent(out):: errflg

    real(kind_phys) :: nu,lt,lun_lt

    integer :: i, k

    real(kind_phys), parameter :: deg2hrs = 1._kind_phys/15._kind_phys
    real(kind_phys), parameter :: rad2deg = 180._kind_phys/pi
    real(kind_phys), parameter :: rad2hrs = rad2deg*deg2hrs
    real(kind_phys), parameter :: tod2hrs = 24._kind_phys/86400._kind_phys
    real(kind_phys), parameter :: hrs2rad = 1._kind_phys/rad2hrs

    if (apply_lunar_tides) then

       ! calculation relies on time from noon on December 31, 1899, so
       ! subtract 2415020, which corresponds to the Julian date for Dec. 31 1899.
       julday = julday - 2415020._kind_phys
       julday = julday / 36525._kind_phys ! convert to julian centuries

       ! Calculate the lunar local time (nu) based on the the time
       ! in Julian centuries using the formula given in Chapman and Lindzen (1970)
       nu = -9.26009_kind_phys + 445267.12165_kind_phys*julday+0.00168_kind_phys*julday*julday !nu in degrees

       do i=1,ncol
          ! solar local time (hours)
          lt = real(curr_tod,kind=kind_phys)*tod2hrs + lon(i)*rad2hrs

          ! lunar local time
          lun_lt = lt - nu*deg2hrs ! hours
          lun_lt = lun_lt*hrs2rad ! radians

          do k=1,pver
             ! Calculate the M2 lunar tide forcing in the zonal and meridional directions.
             ! The forcing is calculated based on the gradient of the M2 tidal
             ! potential, which is given in Chapman and Lindzen (1970).
             ! Additional details on the derivation of the forcing are in
             ! Pedatella, Liu, and Richmond (2012)
             dudt(i,k) = (-1._kind_phys/((zm(i,k)+rearth)*cos(lat(i))))*2.456_kind_phys*3._kind_phys *  &
             dvdt(i,k) = (1._kind_phys/(zm(i,k)+rearth))*2.456_kind_phys*3._kind_phys * &
          end do
       end do

       !call outfld('UT_LUNAR', ptend%u(:state%ncol,:), state%ncol, state%lchnk)
       !call outfld('VT_LUNAR', ptend%v(:state%ncol,:), state%ncol, state%lchnk)

    end if

  end subroutine lunar_tides_run

1h - Remove pbuf variables

Bug discovers that there are no pbuf variables in lunar_tides! Yay!

1i - Mark variables as initialized

There are no variables that Bug needs to mark as initialized. At least, so he thinks. He may revisit this!

1j - Initial standard name check

Bug does an initial check of the standard names spreadsheet. He is able to find standard names for all of the variables except the calendar type, current date and julian date info. He adds those to the spreadsheet and sends an email to the other CAM SEs about needing to decide on a standard name for these variables.

1k - Update CAM interface call(s)

Bug updates the call in physpkg.F90:

  • He renames the subroutine lunar_tides_run
  • He moves the use statements that he removed from lunar_tides_run to tphysac and adds calls to get_curr_date and get_julday to just before the call to lunar_tides_run. He passes in all the new variables.
  • He moves the use statement that he removed from lunar_tides_init to phys_init, adds a call, and passes the calendar variable into lunar_tides_init

1l - OPTIONAL: Make a CAM tag

Bug opts not to make a CAM tag at this time.

2 - Create snapshots of CAM

Bug discovers that there are no snapshot calls around lunar_tides_run in physpkg.F90. So he uses user_set snapshot calls as such:

! Lunar tides
    if (trim(cam_take_snapshot_before) == "user_set") then
       call cam_snapshot_all_outfld_tphysac(cam_snapshot_before_num, state, tend, cam_in, cam_out, pbuf, &
       flx_heat, cmfmc, cmfcme, zdu, rliq, rice, dlf, dlf2, rliq2, det_s, det_ice, net_flx)
    end if
    call lunar_tides_tend( state, ptend )
    if ( (trim(cam_take_snapshot_after) == "user_set") .and.      &
         (trim(cam_take_snapshot_before) == trim(cam_take_snapshot_after))) then
       call cam_snapshot_ptend_outfld(ptend, lchnk)
    end if
    if ( ptend%lu ) then
      call outfld( 'UTEND_LUNART', ptend%u, pcols, lchnk)
    end if
    if ( ptend%lv ) then
      call outfld( 'VTEND_LUNART', ptend%v, pcols, lchnk)
    end if
    call physics_update(state, ptend, ztodt, tend)
    if (trim(cam_take_snapshot_after) == "user_set") then
       call cam_snapshot_all_outfld_tphysac(cam_snapshot_after_num, state, tend, cam_in, cam_out, pbuf, &
       flx_heat, cmfmc, cmfcme, zdu, rliq, rice, dlf, dlf2, rliq2, det_s, det_ice, net_flx)
    end if

Our main man Bug creates a test case with resolution ne3pg3_ne3pg3_mg37 with DEBUG=True and the following user_nl_cam:

apply_lunar_tides = .true.
nhtfrq = 0,0,0,0,0,1,1
ndens = 2,2,2,2,2,1,1

and runs the model for 7 timesteps. He saves the snapshot files in /glade/campaign/cesm/community/amwg/sima_baselines/cam_sima_test_snapshots with the names and

3 - Create metadata file

To generate his metadata file, Bug runs:

python ../../../../ccpp_framework/scripts/ lunar_tides.F90

He then populates the generated metadata template (lunar_tides.meta) with the standard names, dimensions, and units. He ends up with:

  name = lunar_tides
  type = scheme

  name  = lunar_tides_init
  type  = scheme
[ calendar ]
  standard_name = enter_standard_name_1
  units = none
  type = character | kind = len=32
  dimensions = ()
  intent = in
[ apply_lunar_tides_in ]
  standard_name = do_apply_lunar_tides
  units = none
  type = logical
  dimensions = ()
  intent = in
[ errmsg ]
  standard_name = ccpp_error_message
  units = none
  type = character | kind = len=512
  dimensions = ()
  intent = out
[ errflg ]
  standard_name = ccpp_error_code
  units = 1
  type = integer
  dimensions = ()
  intent = out

  name  = lunar_tides_run
  type  = scheme
[ ncols ]
  standard_name = horizontal_loop_extent
  units = count
  type = integer
  dimensions = ()
  intent = in
[ lat ]
  standard_name = latitude
  units = degree_north
  type = real | kind = kind_phys
  dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
  intent = in
[ lon ]
  standard_name = longitude
  units = degree_east
  type = real | kind = kind_phys
  dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
  intent = in
[ zm ]
  standard_name = geopotential_height_wrt_surface
  units = m
  type = real | kind = kind_phys
  dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
  intent = in
[ dudt ]
  standard_name = tendency_of_eastward_wind
  units = m s-2
  type = real | kind = kind_phys
  dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
  intent = out
[ dvdt ]
  standard_name = tendency_of_northward_wind
  units = m s-2
  type = real | kind = kind_phys
  dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
  intent = out
[ curr_date_yr ]
  standard_name = enter_standard_name_9
  units = count
  type = integer
  dimensions = ()
  intent = in
[ curr_date_mm ]
  standard_name = enter_standard_name_10
  units = count
  type = integer
  dimensions = ()
  intent = in
[ curr_date_dd ]
  standard_name = enter_standard_name_11
  units = count
  type = integer
  dimensions = ()
  intent = in
[ curr_date_tod ]
  standard_name = enter_standard_name_12
  units = count
  type = integer
  dimensions = ()
  intent = in
[ julday ]
  standard_name = enter_standard_name_13
  units = none
  type = real | kind = kind_phys
  dimensions = ()
  intent = in
[ pi ]
  standard_iname = pi_constant
  units = 1
  type = real | kind = kind_phys
  dimensions = ()
  intent = in
[ rearth ]
  standard_name = radius_of_earth
  units = m
  type = real | kind = kind_phys
  dimensions = ()
  intent = in
[ pver ]
  standard_name = vertical_layer_dimension
  units = count
  type = integer
  dimensions = ()
  intent = in
[ errmsg ]
  standard_name = ccpp_error_message
  units = none
  type = character | kind = len=512
  dimensions = ()
  intent = out
[ errflg ]
  standard_name = ccpp_error_code
  units = 1
  type = integer
  dimensions = ()
  intent = out

Bug will revisit the missing standard names when he hears back from the other CAM SEs/scientists about what the names should be.

4 - Create namelist XML file

Bug creates the following namelist xml file (called lunar_tides_namelist.xml) in the ncar_ccpp/schemes/lunar_tides directory. It contains one entry - for apply_lunar_tides

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"?>

<entry_id_pg version="2.0">
  <entry id="apply_lunar_tides">
      Switch to apply lunar tidal tendencies to neutral winds. Default: FALSE

He then removes lunar_tides_readnl from lunar_tides.F90. This routine and it's metadata will be auto-generated by CAM-SIMA.

5 - Interstitials

Bug determines that he does not need any interstitials. The only candidates were calculations of the current time and julian year, but, after consulting with other CAM SEs, it was determined that CAM-SIMA will be updated to provide these values.

6 - Create an SDF

Bug creates the following Suite Definition File (including state updaters):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<suite name="lunar_tides" version="1.0">
   <group name="physics_after_coupler">

7 - Check metadata

Once he hears back about the missing standard names and populates them in the metadata, Bug creates a new case and runs ./preview_namelists.

He runs into the following error:

Input argument for lunar_tides_init, calendar_type, not found.

This is one of the new standard names, but it isn't something read in from a file. He'll need to add it to the registry and then initialize the variable within CAM-SIMA. He adds this entry to the registry (src/data/registry.xml):

<variable local_name="calendar_type"
          units="none" type="character" kind="len=32">
  <long_name>calendar type</long_name>

Then, in cam_comp.F90, he adds these use statements to the top of the module:

use time_manager, only: timemgr_get_calendar_cf
use physics_types, only: calendar_type
use phys_vars_init_check, only: mark_as_initialized

Then adds these calls after the call to timemgr_init:

calendar_type = timemgr_get_calendar_cf()
call mark_as_initialized('calendar_type')

Bug then works through any remaining errors until the preview_namelists command completes.

8 - Run CAM-SIMA

Bug builds and runs the model with user_nl_cam pointing to the before/after snapshots.

ncdata = '/glade/campaign/cesm/community/amwg/sima_baselines/cam_sima_test_snapshots/'
ncdata_check = '/glade/campaign/cesm/community/amwg/sima_baselines/cam_sima_test_snapshots/'

Bug gets extremely lucky (or maybe he's just really skilled) and there are no differences found in the atm.log file!

9 - Bring back into CAM

  1. Bug moves the CCPP-ized version of lunar_tides.F90 into the CAM source tree by checking out his branch's hash of the atmospheric_physics branch (NOTE: this will need to be a tag before the PR to CAM can be brought in).
  2. He renames the old src/physics/cam/lunar_tides.F90 file to src/physics/cam/lunar_tides_cam.F90
    • He removes everything from lunar_tides_cam.F90 except lunar_tides_readnl
  3. Bug updates the lunar_tides_init and lunar_tides_tend subroutine calls in physpkg.F90 to reflect the new CCPP-ized versions (full calling list, changing lunar_tides_tend to lunar_tides_run)
  4. Bug updates configure, and runs CAM. He confirms that it runs and answers haven't changed.

Bug commits his changes to his fork/branch of the three repos: CAM, CAM-SIMA, atmospheric_physics.

10 - Final steps

  • He opens a PR into atmospheric_physics (target: development branch), goes through the review process, updates the NamesNotInDictionary.txt file, and then commits the PR when approvals are received. He then opens a PR from development to main and makes a tag (incrementing the minor version) when that is merged.
  • Once he has a tag, he opens PRs into CAM (target: cam_development branch) and CAM-SIMA (target: development branch) with the updated tag in .gitmodules (and code changes needed, including adding a new snapshot regression test in CAM-SIMA). When approvals are in and he gets the go-ahead to make a tag, he follows the procedures to make a CAM or CAM-SIMA tag.
  • Once all tags are made, he checks off "lunar tides" as completed in the spreadsheet.

A single tear of joy navigates its way down Bug's weathered face. He has prevailed. He solemnly closes his computer and walks off, disappearing into the horizon.