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Run process

CAM-SIMA run sequence*

*Static images can be found at the bottom of this page


Upon running ./case.submit the core CAM-SIMA driver code* is in $CAM-SIMA/src/control/cam_comp.F90. This section lays out each of the subroutines within cam_comp.F90. The subroutines in cam_comp.F90 are set up to mirror the phases of the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP).

* cam_comp.F90 subroutines are called by the NUOPC cap: $CAM-SIMA/src/cpl/nuopc/atm_comp_nuopc.F90


cam_init sets up the metadata and configuration objects/modules for the run. It is called once at startup. Below are the variables passed in:

Variable (intent) Definition How it's Used
caseid (in) case name (as input to ./create_newcase) metadata for cam_control_mod and cam_history
ctitle (in) case title (matches caseid) metadata for cam_control_mod and cam_history
model_doi_url (in) CESM model DOI (currently hard-coded to "non_set") metadata for cam_history
initial_run_in (in) logical that is TRUE if this is a startup run** determines whether to call dyn_init or read restart
restart_run_in (in) logical that is TRUE if this is a restart run** metadata for cam_control_mod
branch_run_in (in) logical that is TRUE if this is a branch run** metadata for cam_control_mod
post_assim_in (in) logical that is TRUE if data assimilation mode (DART) is on metadata for cam_control_mod
calendar (in) calendar type (NOLEAP or GREGORIAN) input to time manager init
brnch_retain_casename (in) flag to allow a branch to use the same caseid as the run being branched from metadata for cam_control_mod
aqua_planet (in) flag to run model in aqua planet mode metadata for cam_control_mod
single_column (in) flag to run the single column model (SCAM) passed into scam_readnl (not yet enabled in CAM-SIMA
scmlat (in) SCAM latitude passed into scam_readnl (not yet enabled in CAM-SIMA)
scmlon (in) SCAM longitude passed into scam_readnl (not yet enabled in CAM-SIMA)
eccen (in) Earth's eccentricity factor used to set module-level eccen in cam_control_mod
obliqr (in) Earth's obliquity in radians used to set module-level obliqr in cam_control_mod
lambm0 (in) Mean longitude of perihelion at the vernal equinox (radians) used to set module-level lambm0 in cam_control_mod
mvelpp (in) Earth's moving vernal equinox longitude of perihelion plus pi (radians) used to set module-level mvelpp in cam_control_mod
perpetual_run (in) flag to determine if perpetual mode is enabled passed to time manager init
perpetual_ymd (in) perpetual year, month, day (YYYYMMDD) used to determine the sun position and interpolate boundary data sets passed to time manager init
dtime (in) model timestep size in seconds passed to time manager init
start_ymd (in) start date (YYYYMMDD) passed to time manager init
start_tod (in) start time of day (sec) passed to time manager init
ref_ymd (in) reference date (YYYYMMDD) (defaults to start_ymd) passed to time manager init
ref_tod (in) reference time of day (sec) (defaults to start_tod) passed to time manager init
stop_ymd (in) stop date (YYYYMMDD) passed to time manager init
stop_tod (in) stop time of day (sec) passed to time manager init
curr_ymd (in) current date (YYYYMMDD) (same as start date) passed to time manager init
curr_tod (in) current time of day (sec) (same as start tod) passed to time manager init
cam_in (inout) surface exchange object - coupler to CAM-SIMA allocated if this is an initial run
cam_out (inout) surface exchange object - CAM-SIMA to coupler allocated if this is an initial run

** For additional information on run types, see the CESM Tutorial

cam_init calls the following key subroutines (locations) in this order:

  1. cam_ctrl_init (src/control/cam_control_mod.F90): Sets the module-level run configuration variables; logs configurations to the atm log
  2. cam_ctrl_set_orbit (src/control/cam_control_mod.F90): Sets the module-level orbital variables
  3. timemgr_init (src/utils/time_manager.F90`): Initializes the time manager; logs configurations to the atm log
  4. read_namelist (src/control/runtime_opts.F90): Reads all namelists for the run, including auto-generated scheme namelists (see build process)
  5. cam_ctrl_set_physics_type (src/control/cam_control_mod.F90): sets module-level configuration for variables for simple physics and moist physics schemes; logs configurations to atm log
  6. cam_initfiles_open (src/control/cam_initfiles.F90): Opens initial or restart file, and topography file if specified
  7. cam_register_constituents (src/control/cam_comp.F90): Sets the total number and advected number of constituents; currently ALWAYS adds water vapor as constituent (expected by the SE dycore)
  8. air_composition_init (src/data/air_composition.F90): Initializes air-composition-dependent model constants
  9. model_grid_init (src/dynamics/<dycore>/dyn_grid.F90): Initializes model grids and decompositions
  10. cam_ccpp_initialize_constituents ($CASE/bld/atm/obj/ccpp/cam_ccpp_cap.F90): initializes the constituent data array; after this point, we cannot add new constituents
  11. dyn_init (src/dynamics/<dycore>/dyn_comp.F90): Initializes the dynamical core
  12. atm2hub_alloc and hub2atm_alloc (src/control/camsrfexch.F90): Allocates and sets up surface exchange data
  13. phys_init (src/physics/utils/phys_comp.F90): Initializes physics (includes call to CCPP cap to run init phases of schemes in the Suite Definition File (SDF)
  14. stepon_init (src/dynamics/<dycore>/stepon.F90): Initializes dynamics <--> physics coupling


cam_timestep_init is called at the start of each timestep. It has no input/output/inout variables.

The routine calls the following subroutines (locations) in this order:

  1. stepon_timestep_init (src/dynamics/<dycore>/stepon.F90): First phase of dynamics (couple from dynamics to physics); also returns timestep for physics
  2. phys_timestep_init (src/physics/utils/phys_comp.F90):
    1. Read un-initialized data from initial data file
      • For the null dycore, this means we're reading most physics input variables (as defined in src/data/registry.xml) from the ncdata file
      • For the SE dycore, we are reading in any variables not marked as initialized by the SE dycore initialization
    2. Calls the CCPP cap to run timestep_init phases of all schemes in the user-specified SDF


cam_run1 is the first "run" phase called in the physics loop. It is called every timestep BEFORE the mediator/surface coupler and calls the following subroutine (location):

  1. phys_run1 (src/physics/utils/phys_comp.F90): Calls the run phase for all physics schemes in the "physics_before_coupler" group in the SDF


cam_run2 is the second "run" phase called in the physics loop. It is called every timestep AFTER the mediator/coupler. Input/output variables:

Variable (intent) Definition How it's Used
cam_in (inout) surface exchange object - input to CAM-SIMA Passed into stepon_run2
cam_out (inout) surface exchange object - output from CAM-SIMA Passed into stepon_run2

cam_run2 calls these subroutines (locations):

  1. phys_run2 (src/physics/utils/phys_comp.F90): Calls the run phase for all physics schemes in the "physics_after_coupler" group in the SDF
  2. stepon_run2 (src/dynamics/<dycore>/stepon.F90): The second phase of dynamics (couple from physics to dynamics)


cam_run3 is the third "run" phase called in the physics loop. It is called every timestep AFTER cam_run3 and BEFORE cam_run4 (unsurprisingly). In/out variables:

Variable (intent) Definition How it's Used
cam_out (inout) surface exchange object - output from CAM-SIMA Passed into stepon_run3

cam_run3 calls the following subroutine (location):

  1. stepon_run3 (src/dynamics/<dycore>/stepon.F90): Calls dyn_run, which runs the dycore


cam_run4 currently does nothing! (but it is called every timestep)


cam_timestep_final runs at the end of each timestep. In/out variables:

Variable (intent) Definition How it's Used
rstwr (in) flag to write a restart file Passed into history_wrap_up
nlend (in) flag to indicate whether this is the final timestep Passed into history_wrap_up

cam_timestep_final calls the following subroutines (locations):

  1. History routines. If it's not the last (half) timestep,
    1. history_write_files (src/history/cam_history.F90): Writes fields to user-configured history files (if applicable)
    2. history_wrap_up (src/history/cam_history.F90): Closes files and zeros buffers as necessary
  2. phys_timestep_final (src/physics/utils/phys_comp.F90):
    1. Calls the timestep_final phase for all physics schemes in the SDF
    2. If ncdata_check is set in user_nl_cam, calls physics_check_data ($CASE/bld/atm/obj/phys_init/physics_inputs.F90) to perform snapshot checking


cam_final is called once at the end of the model execution. In/out variables:

Variable (intent) Definition How it's Used
cam_in (inout) surface exchange object - input to CAM-SIMA Deallocated
cam_out (inout) surface exchange object - output from CAM-SIMA Deallocated

cam_final calls the following subroutines (locations):

  1. phys_final (src/physics/utils/phys_comp.F90): calls "final" phase of all schemes in the SDF
  2. stepon_final (src/dynamics/<dycore>/stepon.F90): finalizes dycore (doesn't currently do anything)
  3. atm2hub_deallocate and hub2atm_deallocate (src/control/camsrfexch.F90): deallocate cam_in/cam_out objects

Static run sequence images

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