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History & model output

CAM-SIMA history is the mechanism for configuring and generating diagnostic output from a model run. It is also used to generate initial-data files and aids in the model-restart process by saving the state of diagnostic fields whose processing window (e.g., averaging, standard deviation) crosses a restart-write cycle. This page describes the implementation of CAM-SIMA history in CAM-SIMA.

History Initialization

Reading and processing the history configuration

  • The allowable history configuration keywords are defined in cime_config/ in _HIST_CONFIG_ENTRY_TYPES.
    • Each of the keywords is configurable via the namelist (user_nl_cam)
    • The syntax is <keyword>;<volume>: <value> (see examples below)
    • Currently, these configuration keywords are as follows (the atm_in equivalent indicates how parses these into a namelist to be read by SIMA):
Configuration Keyword Description atm_in equivalent
These configuration keywords add/remove fields to the specified volume with the indicated accumulation flag (average, instantaneous, minimum, maximum, standard deviation). The closest CAM7 equivalent is “finclX” &hist_config_arrays_nl

hist_file_type This keyword determines the type of file. Options are: “history,” “satellite,” and “initial_value”
Defaults to “history”
hist_max_frames Indicates the maximum number of samples/frames that can be written to a file before that file is considered “full”. The CAM7 equivalent is “mfilt”.
Defaults to 1 for h0 and 30 for all other volumes.
hist_output_frequency Specifies the frequency of writes to the volume. The syntax is "<integer>*<time period>" where “time_period” can be: steps, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years. The closest CAM7 equivalent is “nhtfrq”. &hist_file_config_nl
hist_precision Denotes the precision for the volume. Options are "REAL32" and "REAL64".
Defaults to "REAL32"
hist_write_nstep0 Indicates whether or not to write the nstep=0 sample to the volume.
Defaults to .false.
hist_filename_template Specifies the template for the filename for the volume.
Defaults to "" where "%c" is the case name, "%u" is the volume, "%y" is the year, "%m" is the month, "%d" is the day, and "%s" is the number of seconds since midnight GMT, with the timestamp itself representing the model time when the file is created.
  • also contains the HistoryVolConfig class (all the info pertaining to a single history file), the HistoryConfig class (all the history configuration information including a dict of HistoryVolConfig objects), and helper classes.
  • The HistoryConfig object is created in buildnml out of entries in user_nl_cam and written to run/atm_in.
  • In order to ensure that all relevant runtime (namelist) values show up in atm_in, the HistoryConfig object must contain all the logic in setting default values.


Setting up the history data structures

  • History namelist information is read and history data structures are set up in src/history/cam_hist_file.F90
  • The driving function in cam_hist_file.F90 is hist_read_namelist_config, which is called by history_readnl in src/history/cam_history.F90. This function reads in the hist_config_arrays_nl namelist group, allocates the history field arrays, and then uses those arrays to read in the hist_file_config_nl namelist group (via a call to read_namelist_entry).
  • The history configuration namelist options are used to populate cam_history.F90’s module-level hist_configs array of hist_file_t objects (the size of this array is the number of user-configured volumes).
  • The hist_file_t object contains information about the configuration options for a given history volume. This includes the maximum number of frames that can be written to the file, the current number of frames on the file, the name of the file, and all of the history fields to be written to the file. It also contains methods to populate the field lists (config_set_up_fields), set up the metadata of the file (config_define_file), and write history fields to the file (config_write_time_dependent_variables).
  • Each hist_file_t object contains both a hash table and allocatable field list to keep track of the fields written to the file. The core class for each of these is the hist_field_info_t (in src/history/buffers/src/hist_field.F90), which contains information about a history field. This includes the field names, the accumulate flag (average, instantaneous, minimum, etc), units, type, dimensions, and fill value. It also includes the buffer(s) (type is/are hist_buffer_t) that will and do hold the actual data.


Populating the possible field list

The possible fields to be output by the history infrastructure are tracked in cam_history.F90 via the possible_field_list hash table. It is populated during init time by calls to the subroutine history_add_field (found in src/history/cam_history.F90). “Init time,” means that all calls to history_add_field must occur during the execution of cam_init (found in src/control/cam_comp.F90).

  • Within the CCPP physics, this means that any diagnostic fields must be added to possible field list during _init (ideally the diagnostics are kept separate from the core scheme physics to keep the physics portable)
  • Within dynamics, the fields must be added during dyn_init or stepon_init
  • For physics variables:
    • State variables are added to the field list in the init phase of the cam_state_diagnostics scheme in src/physics/ncar_ccpp/diagnostics/cam_diagnostics.F90
      • This scheme is included at the end of the physics_before_coupler group in the suite definition file (SDF)
    • Tendency variables are added to the field list in the init phase of the cam_tend_diagnostics scheme in src/physics/ncar_ccpp/diagnotics/cam_diagnostics.F90
      • This scheme is included at the end of the physics_after_coupler group in the SDF
    • Additional variables specific to the scheme are included in the init phase of a _diagnostics scheme in src/physics/ncar_ccpp/diagnostics

Each call to history_add_field adds a new field to the end of the possible_field_list_head linked list. At the end of cam_init, the possible field list linked list is used to print the list (to the atm.log* file) and then is converted to the possible_field_list hash table. A sample of the history field list is seen below.

  ***************** HISTORY FIELD LIST ******************
             T          K  avg  air_temperature
            ZM          m  avg  geopotential_height_wrt_surface
          PHIS     m2 s-2  ins   surface_geopotential
          PMID         Pa  avg  air_pressure
       PDELDRY         Pa  avg  air_pressure_thickness_of_dry_air
             Q    kg kg-1  avg  water_vapor_mixing_ratio_wrt_moist_air_and_condensed_water
        CLDLIQ    kg kg-1  avg cloud_liquid_water_mixing_ratio_wrt_moist_air_and_condensed_water          
        RAINQM    kg kg-1  avg  rain_mixing_ratio_wrt_moist_air_and_condensed_water
         TTEND      K s-1  avg  tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
  *************** END HISTORY FIELD LIST ****************

Capturing history output

Outside of CAM-SIMA init and finalize time, history buffers can be populated with data via a call to history_out_field (found in src/history/cam_history.F90)

The subroutine history_out_field iterates over the hist_configs array and populates the buffer(s) of the hist_field_info_t object of the hist_file_t object if the field name in the call is active on that file (e.g. the field was configured via the namelist to be output for that volume).

  • Within the CCPP physics, calls to history_out_field can exist anywhere except _init and _final
  • In dynamics, calls to history_out_field can exist anywhere except in dyn_init, stepon_init, and stepon_final
  • For physics variables, history_out_field calls are included in the run phase of the same schemes described in the section above.

Defining new history files

The cam_history.F90 subroutine history_write_files (which is called during cam_timestep_final) does three main actions for each of the user-defined history volumes:

  1. Determine if it’s time to write to the file based on the user-supplied namelist option hist_output_frequency
  2. If it's time to write, determine if we need to open a new file
  3. Write the variables to the file(s)

The bolded step #2 above is what determines if we need to define a new history file. The situations where we would need to define a new file are:

  1. It's the first sample we're outputting to a specific volume.
  2. The last time we output to the volume, we "filled" the file (number of samples written to the file met the user-configured hist_max_frames) and closed it

We determine if it's time for a new file with the following line of code:

   mod(num_samples, hist_configs(file_idx)%max_frame()) == 0

If it is indeed time to define a new file, we call the config_define_file subroutine (which is found in src/history/cam_hist_file.F90) for the volume:

  call hist_configs(file_idx)%define_file(restart, logname, host, model_doi_url)
  • This subroutine opens the netcdf file(s) and writes the necessary time-independent metadata (for the file and for the history fields) and grid information.
    • Note that there will be a maximum of TWO (2) files opened at this stage. If there are both instantaneous fields AND accumulated fields (average, minimum, maximum, standard deviation) on the volume, two files will be created (hXi AND hXa); otherwise, only the relevant file will be created (hXi OR hXa)

Writing a history file

The cam_history.F90 subroutine history_write_files (which is called during cam_timestep_final) does three main actions for each of the user-defined history volumes:

  1. Determine if it’s time to write to the file based on the user-supplied namelist option hist_output_frequency
  2. If it's time to write, determine if we need to open a new file
  3. Write the variables to the file(s)

The bolded step #3 above occurs any time the criteria for #1 is satisfied. At this point, the following call is made to write the history fields (whose data has been stored in their buffers via calls to history_out_field):

  call hist_configs(file_idx)%write_time_dependent_variables(file_idx, restart)

It is during this call that we increment the number of samples written for this volume and actually write the data held within the buffer(s) to the netcdf file (as well as the time-dependent metadata for the fields).

Defining history restart files

Restarts not yet implemented in CAM-SIMA

Writing a history restart file

Restarts not yet implemented in CAM-SIMA

Reading a history restart file

Restarts not yet implemented in CAM-SIMA