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Debugging techniques

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CAM-SIMA-specific debugging

Build errors

Debugging tips if you get build errors:

  • If the output indicates that the error message or failure is coming from somewhere within $CAM-SIMA/ccpp_framework:
    • If you're getting a clear error message, it's likely that you have something wrong with your metadata
    • If you're getting an error message that indicates that something is breaking in the framework code itself (something went uncaught) - consult the AMP SEs
  • If the error happens during the atm build, you can see the full output of the atm build in the build log here: bld/atm.bldlog.*

Run-time errors

  • Start with the atm.log* - if the issue occurred during the execution of the CAM code, it will hopefully have a clear and concise error message
  • Move to the cesm.log* - it will hopefully include a stack trace for the error in question; if the error did not occur in the CAM code (or CAM did not properly trap the error), it will help you identify the source of the issue.
  • If neither log file contains helpful information, a few first steps:
    • Resubmit the case; it could be a machine hiccup
    • Turn on DEBUG mode (if it's not on already) and rebuild/rerun
    • Look in your run directory for any log files called PETXXX - if there was an issue on the ESMF side of things, it will show up in one of these (there will be one PET file per processor)
    • Try a different compiler - maybe it'll give you a more helpful error message
    • set NTASKS=1 (./xmlchange NTASKS=1), do a clean rebuild (as instructed), and run again; maybe running in serial will identify the error
    • Look for the ***************** HISTORY FIELD LIST ****************** in the atm.log* file; if it's not there, the error occurred at init time
      • If the error occurred during init time, try a new case with a different grid and/or dycore
      • If the model ran for a few timesteps before dying (look for the CAM-SIMA time step advanced message in the atm.log* file), it's likely that one or more variable that you introduced or modified has gone off the rails (value has become very large or very small or zero)
        • Update your user_nl_cam to output all possible suspected variables to a history file at some point shortly before the model dies, then inspect the output to see if any are obviously wrong
      • If the model completed all timesteps, try running a shorter case to see if the problem persists; if so, it's an error during the model finalization
    • Run the TotalView debugger on izumi
    • Use the old standard - print statements - to narrow down where the code is stopping
    • Ask for help!

Unexpected answer changes

  • Two paths here:
    • You're getting unexpected DIFFs from the regression testing
      • Consult with a scientist about whether differences are expected and for which configurations (compsets, resolutions, namelists parameters, etc)
      • If the differences are very small (look like round-off), consult with the other AMP SEs on whether we're ok with this
      • If the differences are indeed unexpected and larger than round-off, create a case using the code from the head of development and:
        • place print statements in both code bases (your development branch and the head of development) to identify where the numbers are going awry OR
        • run the TotalView debugger OR
        • use the comparison tool described below ($CAM-SIMA/tools/find_max_nonzero_index.F90)
    • You're getting unexpected answer changes compared with CAM
      • Consult with other AMP SEs about whether the differences appear to be due to round-off error
      • Use the comparison tool (LINK ONCE IT EXISTS): $CAM-SIMA/tools/find_max_nonzero_index.F90
        • This tool can help you narrow down where the issue begins by printing out values at a specific index and comparing those with the "truth" (from CAM)


  • Grab an interactive node. You can do this by copying the following commands into a .csh script:
#! /bin/csh -f
#PBS -q long
# Number of nodes (CHANGE THIS if needed)
# #PBS -l walltime=6:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=16
# # output file base name
# #PBS -N test_dr
# # Put standard error and standard out in same file
# #PBS -j oe
# # Export all Environment variables
# #PBS -V

then run:

qsub -X -I <script>.csh
  • Create and configure a new case (using gnu and only 1 task)
./create_newcase --pecount 1 --case <CASEDIR> --compset <COMPSET> --res <RESOLUTION> --compiler gnu --run-unsupported
  • Turn on debug in the case ./xmlchange DEBUG=True
  • Build the case (./
  • Run command bash to change to bash (if not already)
  • Run the following commands:


RUNDIR=`./xmlquery RUNDIR -value`
EXEROOT=`./xmlquery EXEROOT -value`
LID=`date '+%y%m%d-%H%M%S'`

mkdir timing
mkdir timing/checkpoints
echo `pwd`
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$nthreads
totalview ${EXEROOT}/cesm.exe
  • exit to exit the totalview window and give up the node