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Populate and/or update your externals

Run bin/git-fleximod update

The process will either:

  • complete and you're good to go
  • indicate to you that modifications have been made in certain modules
    • this means you should either go commit those mods or remove them
    • you can also (if you're sure!) run bin/git-fleximod update -f to force overwrite all externals

Update external repo or tag

To add or update an external repo to CAM-SIMA, the following steps must be done:

  1. Modify the .gitmodules file at the head of CAM-SIMA to add or update the external. Explanations for what each entry in the .gitmodules file is can be found on Github here
  2. Once the .gitmodules file has been updated, go to the head of CAM-SIMA and run bin/git-fleximod update. This will bring in the new external code into your local repo (but will not commit them).
  3. Once you are ready to officially commit the changes, then make sure to commit both the modified .gitmodules file, and the updated submodule itself. An easy way to make sure you have commited everything is to run git status and make sure there are no files or directories that have been modified but are still un-staged.

Once all of that is done then congrats! A new external has been successfully added/updated.