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Creating, configuring, and running a case

Because CAM-SIMA uses the CIME build system, creating and configuration a case is mostly the same as it was in CAM7 (and in CESM). But! We're going to assume you know nothing.

1. Run create_newcase

Before you create a case:

  1. Choose the correct machine to run your case on (if this is a high-resolution or long run, you will likely want to choose derecho!)
  2. Consult the git basics if you need a new clone
  3. Make sure you have run bin/git-fleximod update to update and/or populate your externals
  4. Navigate to $CAM-SIMA/cime/scripts

Assuming you have completed the above steps and have a nice checkout of a development branch of CAM-SIMA, let's go!

Here is the (basic) structure of the command for create_newcase:

./create_newcase --case <CASEDIR> --compset <COMPSET_NAME> --res <RESOLUTION> --compiler <COMPILER> --project <PROJECT KEY> --run-unsupported

To break that down piece by piece:

  • --case <CASEDIR> (optional): The case argument specifies the full path to the directory you would like to be created, in which your case will reside.
    • pro tip: if you choose to put your case directory in your scratch directory, your run and bld directories will be automatically placed within the case directory
      • on derecho, this means: --case /glade/derecho/scratch/<username>/<case_name>
      • on izumi, this means: --case /scratch/cluster/<username>/<case_name>
    • if you do not specify a case directory, it will default to your $CAM-SIMA/cime/scripts directory (and, eventually, your run and bld directories will default to a new directory in your scratch space)
  • --compset <COMPSET_NAME> (required): the compset (or "component set") tells CIME which base-level configurations you want to run with (including model versions and input data sets)
    • The compset supplied to the create_newcase command can be either:
      • The long name of a compset OR
      • The alias (if it exists) for the compset
    • Compset options and aliases can be found in here ($CAM-SIMA/cime_config/config_compsets.xml)
    • The structure of a compset long name is <initialization time>_<atmosphere model>_<land model>_<sea-ice model>_<ocean model>_<river runoff model>_<land ice model>_<wave model>
      • Additional context: for each of the seven model components of the compset configuration, there can be three different implementations:
        • active (prognostic, full): solves a complex set of equations to describe model's behavior (must solve all equations on a numerical grid)
        • data: version that sends/receives same variables to/from other models, but read from files rather than computed from equations (reduces feedback within a system)
        • stub: occupies the required place in the driver but does not send or receive data
  • --res <RESOLUTION> (required): the resolution specifies both the dycore being run and the grid.
    • The structure of the resolution argument is: <atmosphere>_<ocean>_<mask>
    • The resolution determines the dycore:
      • A grid resolution that looks like "ne*" indicates that this is spectral element (SE) cube sphere grid (SE dycore)
      • A grid resolution that looks like "C*" indicates that this is the FV3 (finite volume cubed sphere) dycore [not yet implemented in CAM-SIMA]
      • A grid resolution that looks like "mpasa*" indicates that this is an MPAS (Model for Prediction Across Scales) grid (MPAS dycore) [work-in-progress in CAM-SIMA]
    • You can find the options for these model grid aliases in $CAM-SIMA/ccs_config/modelgrid_aliases_nuopc.xml
    • Most often, for testing CAM-SIMA, we use a coarse SE grid like ne3pg3_ne3pg3_mg37 or ne5_ne5_mg37
  • --compiler <COMPILER> (optional): the compiler you wish to use
    • Options:
      • on derecho:
        • intel (default)
        • gnu
        • nvhpc
      • on izumi:
        • intel (default) - NOTE: intel is not to be trusted on izumi (it's a known-buggy version)
        • gnu
        • nag - NOTE: until the nag version is updated beyond 7.0, CAM-SIMA won't work with nag
  • --project <PROJECT KEY>: a project key to charge to
    • Only needed on derecho
    • You can see the project keys you can use here (click on your primary group)
      • You can also see how much of the allocation has been used/is left by navigating to Reports -> Project Search and searching for the key
  • --run-unsupported: this flag is mostly in place to indicate to scientists that the configuration they're choosing to run is not scientifically supported.

Given all that, let's say you run the following command on izumi (assuming you're this mysterious person "courtneyp"):

./create_newcase --case /scratch/cluster/courtneyp/kessler-ne5-gnu-0722 --compset FKESSLER --res ne5_ne5_mg37 --compiler gnu --run-unsupported

What will happen is that a new case directory will be created here: /scratch/cluster/courtneyp/kessler-ne5-gnu-0722 that will be configured to run the FKESSLER compset (long name: 2000_CAM%KESSLER_SLND_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV) with the SE dycore and the ne5 grid.

2. Configure the case

Navigate into your shiny new case directory and run ./case.setup

From here, there are A LOT of configuration options. We'll highlight a few here that you'll use often.

XML configurations

Many configurable settings can be found within the env_*.xml files in your case directory. In order to protect again typos, it's not advised to edit those directly. Instead, you will run ./xmlchange commands to alter those settings (and ./xmlquery can give you the current setting). You can find additional information on the configurable xml variables here. A few to highlight:

  • CAM_CONFIG_OPTS: This is where we tell CAM-SIMA what physics scheme(s) we wish to run, as well as if we wish to run the null dycore.
    • FKESSLER will default to --physics-suites kessler --analytic_ic, which means we're running the suite_kessler.xml SDF with the SE dycore (with analytic initial conditions - no need to supply an ncdata initial conditions file)
    • If you instead want to run a test with the null dycore, you'll want to change this with ./xmlchange CAM_CONFIG_OPTS = "--physics-suites kessler --dyn none"
  • CAM_LINKED_LIBS: Hopefully, you won't have to change this often; however, if you are getting linking errors during your build, try turning off the linked libraries (./xmlchange CAM_LINKED_LIBS='')
  • DOUT_S: This is the flag to archive log files of successful runs. During development, we advise turning this off so your log files don't disappear on you (./xmlchange DOUT_S=False)
  • STOP_OPTION & STOP_N: How long you are going to run the model. If STOP_N is 8 and STOP_OPTION is "ndays", you are setting the model up to run for 8 days.
    • the options for STOP_OPTION are: 'nsteps', 'nseconds', 'nminutes', 'nhours', 'ndays', 'nmonths', 'nyears'
    • STOP_N is an integer
    • NOTE: if you are running the ncdata_check with snapshot files, keep the number of timesteps you are running at or below the number of timesteps on the snapshot files
    • NOTE #2: These configurations can be updated without rebuilding the case
  • DEBUG: A flag to turn on debug mode for the run (runs without compiler optimizations) - this is very useful during development! It defaults to "False", so you can turn it on with ./xmlchange DEBUG=True
  • RUNDIR: this is the path to the run directory for your case. The bld directory will exist one level up.

If you run ./xmlchange, the output will tell you if you need to re-set up and/or do a clean build of your case.

Namelist configurations

There are countless namelist configuration options. These can be modified by updating the user_nl_cam file in your case directory. Namelist options can be updated without rebuilding the case.

3. Build the case

Run ./

The console output will tell you the progress of the build. If you get to MODEL BUILD HAS FINISHED SUCCESSFULLY, hooray!

Debugging tips

4. Run the case

Run ./case.submit

The job will be submitted to the system's queue. You can see the status of your job with the qstat command. Once it is finished, the log files will be in the run directory (unless it ran successfully AND your archiver is on)

Debugging tips