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History & model output

Configuring the namelist

The syntax for updating a the configuration for a history file is:

<namelist_option>;<volume>: <setting>

Possible namelist options for your user_nl_cam (fields in grey have not been fully implemented):

  • hist_add_inst_fields: add instantaneous fields to a specified history file
  • hist_add_avg_fields: add average fields to a specified history file
  • hist_add_min_fields: add minimum fields to a specified history file
  • hist_add_max_fields: add maximum fields to a specified history file
  • hist_add_var_fields: add standard deviation fields to a specified history file
  • hist_remove_fields: remove a given field from a specified history file
  • hist_file_type: type of file (options are "history", "satellite", and "initial_value") - defaults to "history"
  • hist_max_frames: maximum number of samples written to a specified history file (after which a new one will be created)
  • hist_output_frequency: frequency with which to write samples to a specified history file (syntax is <integer>*<multiplier> like 3*nhours)
  • hist_precision: precision of the specified history file (options are "REAL32" and "REAL64") - defaults to "REAL32"
  • hist_write_nstep0: logical for whether or not to write the nstep = 0 sample (defaults to .false.)
  • hist_filename_template: template filename for the specified history file
    • Defaults to "" where "%c" is the case name, "%u" is the volume, "%y" is the year, "%m" is the month, "%d" is the day, and "%s" is the number of seconds since midnight GMT, with the timestamp itself representing the model time when the file is created.

Example Take the following sample user_nl_cam:

hist_output_frequency;h1: 5*ndays
hist_max_frames;h1: 3
hist_add_inst_fields;h1: U
hist_add_inst_fields;h1: V, Q
hist_precision;h1: REAL64
hist_filename_spec;h1: my-history-file%m-%d
hist_write_nstep0;h1: .false.

It will be parsed by and this will be the relevant section of atm_in:

    hist_num_inst_fields = 3
    hist_num_avg_fields = 2
    hist_num_min_fields = 0
    hist_num_max_fields = 0
    hist_num_var_fields = 0

    hist_volume = 'h0'
    hist_avg_fields = 'T', 'Q'
    hist_max_frames = 1
    hist_output_frequency = '1*month'
    hist_precision = 'REAL32'
    hist_file_type = 'history'
    hist_filename_spec = ''
    hist_write_nstep0 = .false.

    hist_volume = 'h1'
    hist_inst_fields = 'U', ā€˜Vā€™, ā€˜Qā€™
    hist_max_frames = 3
    hist_output_frequency = '5*ndays'
    hist_precision = 'REAL64'
    hist_file_type = 'history'
    hist_filename_spec = 'my-history-file%m-%d'
    hist_write_nstep0 = .false.

In plain English, a one-month run with these history configuration will result in a total of three files that will look something like these:

    • This file will contain instantaneous output for U, V, and Q (eastward_wind, northward_wind, and water vapor)
    • It will contain three frames, one at each of the following times:
      • 0001-01-06 (time=5)
      • 0001-01-11 (time=10)
      • 0001-01-16 (time=15)
    • This file will contain instantaneous output for U, V, and Q (eastward_wind, northward_wind, and water vapor)
    • It will contain three frames, one at each of the following times:
      • 0001-01-21 (time=20)
      • 0001-01-26 (time=25)
      • 0001-01-31 (time=30)
    • This file will contain averaged output for T and Q (air_temperature and water vapor)
    • It will have one frame with the time calculated at the midpoint of the month

Adding a diagnostic field to the CAM-SIMA source code

During init time, fields can be added to the possible field list with a call to history_add_field:

history_add_field(diagnostic_name, description, vdim_name, avgflag, units, gridname, flag_xyfill, mixing_ratio)

Field Optional? Type Description
diagnostic_name No string diagnostic name for the field - will be the name in netcdf output file
description No string Description of the variable
vdim_name No string vertical dimension: 'horiz_only' for no vertical dimension; 'lev' for vertical_layer_dimension; 'ilev' for vertical_interface_dimension
avgflag No string default average flag; options: 'avg', 'lst' (instantaneous), 'min', 'max', 'var' (standard deviation)
units No string variable units
gridname Yes string gridname on which the variable's data is mapped (defaults to the physics grid)
flag_xyfill Yes string fill value for variable values
mixing_ratio Yes string constituent mixing ratio type ('wet' or 'dry'); not set to anything if not passed in


call history_add_field('Q', 'water vapor mixing ratio', 'lev', 'avg', 'kg kg-1', mixing_ratio='wet')

It's important to avoid adding calls to history_add_field to the CCPP-ized physics schemes (to keep them portable). Instead, create a new diagnostics scheme and place that in the cam_diagnostics folder of the atmospheric_physics repository. The history_add_field call will be in the init phase.

Outputting a diagnostic field to the CAM-SIMA source code

After init time, a variable's current values can be captured for output with a call to history_out_field:

history_out_field(diagnostic_name, field_values)

Field Optional? Type Description
diagnostic_name No string diagnostic name for the field - will cause an error if the diagnostic name was not added via history_add_field
field_values No real variable values to be stored in the history buffer(s)


call history_out_field('Q', const_array(:,:,const_idx))

It's important to avoid adding calls to history_add_field to the CCPP-ized physics schemes (to keep them portable). Instead, create a new diagnostics scheme and place that in the cam_diagnostics folder of the atmospheric_physics repository. The history_out_field call(s) will likely be in the run phase.

Using the output

The output files can be found in your run directory. They are in netCDF format.

See the ADF for lots that you can do with your results!

A few useful commands for inspecting netCDF data:

  • To output the header/metadata information for the file (includes list of variables on the file):
ncdump -h
  • To output the data for a specific variable on the file:
ncdump -v <varname>
  • To compare two files*:
cprnc <file1_path> <file2_path>
  • To get a slice of one file (subset of time samples):
ncks -F -d time,<start time>,<end time>,<step> <snapshot_file> <output_file_name>

Example to get time samples 3-5 from a file onto a new file called "":

ncks -F -d time,3,5,1
  • To diff a variable between two files (and output the results to a new netcdf file):
ncdiff -v <field_name> -o <output_file> <file1> <file2>

*cprnc can be found:

  • on derecho: /glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/cprnc/cprnc
  • on izumi: /fs/cgd/csm/tools/cime/tools/cprnc/cprnc