.. _prep_modules: ====================== CMEPS `prep` modules ====================== The following modules comprise the "prep phase" CMEPS code: **med_phases_prep_atm_mod.F90**: prepares the mediator export state to the atmosphere component **med_phases_prep_ice_mod.F90**: prepares the mediator export state to the sea-ice component **med_phases_prep_glc_mod.F90**: prepares the mediator export state to the land-ice component **med_phases_prep_lnd_mod.F90**: prepares the mediator export state to the land component **med_phases_prep_ocn_mod.F90**: prepares the mediator export state to the ocean component **med_phases_prep_rof_mod.F90**: prepares the mediator export state to the river component **med_phases_prep_wav_mod.F90**: prepares the mediator export state to the wave component Each prep phase module has several sections: 1. Mapping each source field that needs to be mapped to the destination mesh. This is obtained from the ``addmap`` calls in the application specific ``esmFldsExchange_xxxx_mod.F90``. Each `prep` module will call the generic routine ``med_map_FB_Regrid_Norm`` to do this mapping. 2. Merging the set of source fields that have been mapped to the destination mesh. This is obtained from the ``addmrg`` calls in the application specific ``esmFldsExchange_xxxx_mod.F90``. 3. Carrying out optional custom calculations that cannot be specified via ``addmap`` or ``addmrg`` calls. Custom calculations are the only part of the CMEPS prep phases that can be can be application specific. The attribute ``coupling_mode`` is utilized to by the prep phases to determine if a particular customization is targeted for only one application. Currently prep phase customization encompasses the following: * ``med_phases_prep_atm``: * Calculation of ocean albedos and atmosphere/ocean fluxes (for CESM). * Calculation of land, ice and ocean fractions to send to the atmosphere if those components are present. * ``med_phases_prep_ice``: * Update the scalar data for the time of the next short wave calculation carried out by the atmosphere, used by the ice component to determine the zenith angle (for CESM) * applicate of precipitation factor received from the ocean component (for CESM) * ``med_phases_prep_glc``: * the land-ice component prep phase `ONLY` uses custom code. Land import fields that are destined for the land-ice component are in elevation classes, whereas the land-ice components requires import data that is not in elevation classes. In addition, the land-ice component couples at a much longer time scale than the land component. The custom code in this module carries out the mapping and merged to take data from the land component, accumulate it and map the data both in resolution and in the compression of elevation class input to non-elevation class output. (for CESM) * ``med_phases_prep_lnd``: * carry out land-ice to land mapping if land-ice is present (for CESM) * update the scalar data for the time of the next short wave calculation caried out by the atmosphere (this is needed to the land component to determine the zenith angle) (for CESM) * ``med_phases_prep_ocn``: * computation of net shortwave that is sent to the ocean. * apply precipitation fractor to scale rain and snow sent to ocean (for CESM) * carry out custom merges for NEMS coupling modes (for NEMS) * ``med_phases_prep_rof``: * reset the irrigation flux to the river model by pulling in irrigation out of the rof cells that are proportial to the river volume in each cell (for CESM). * ``med_phases_prep_wav``: * currently there are no custom calculations.