.. _organization-of-documentation: .. highlight:: shell =================================== Organization of the documentation =================================== This documentation is organized into the following high-level sections: - :numref:`{number}. {name} `: This section gives a general introduction to LILAC and describes the organization of this documentation (you're reading this now!) - :numref:`{number}. {name} `: This section provides instructions for building and running CTSM within an atmosphere model that has been set up to run with CTSM (e.g., WRF). If you are starting to use CTSM with an atmosphere model that does not yet have any calls to CTSM-LILAC, then you should start with section :numref:`{number}. {name} `. - :numref:`{number}. {name} `: This section provides details on the Fortran code that needs to be added to an atmosphere model in order to call CTSM via LILAC as its land surface scheme. (In practice, this step comes before :numref:`{number}. {name} `, but it is included later in the documentation because it is of interest to fewer people.) - :numref:`{number}. {name} `: This section provides notes on running CTSM within specific atmosphere models.