.. _rst_Crops and Irrigation: Crops and Irrigation ==================== .. _Summary of CLM5.0 updates relative to the CLM4.5: Summary of CLM5.0 updates relative to the CLM4.5 ------------------------------------------------ We describe here the complete crop and irrigation parameterizations that appear in CLM5.0. Corresponding information for CLM4.5 appeared in the CLM4.5 Technical Note (:ref:`Oleson et al. 2013 `). CLM5.0 includes the following new updates to the CROP option, where CROP refers to the interactive crop management model and is included as an option with the BGC configuration: - New crop functional types - All crop areas are actively managed - Fertilization rates updated based on crop type and geographic region - New Irrigation triggers - Phenological triggers vary by latitude for some crop types - Ability to simulate transient crop management - Adjustments to allocation and phenological parameters - Crops reaching their maximum LAI triggers the grain fill phase - Grain C and N pools are included in a 1-year product pool - C for annual crop seeding comes from the grain C pool - Initial seed C for planting is increased from 1 to 3 g C/m^2 These updates appear in detail in the sections below. Many also appear in :ref:`Levis et al. (2016) `. Available new features since the CLM5 release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Addition of bioenergy crops - Ability to customize crop calendars (sowing windows/dates, maturity requirements) using stream files - Cropland soil tillage .. _The crop model: The crop model: cash and bioenergy crops ---------------------------------------- Introduction ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Groups developing Earth System Models generally account for the human footprint on the landscape in simulations of historical and future climates. Traditionally we have represented this footprint with natural vegetation types and particularly grasses because they resemble many common crops. Most modeling efforts have not incorporated more explicit representations of land management such as crop type, planting, harvesting, tillage, fertilization, and irrigation, because global scale datasets of these factors have lagged behind vegetation mapping. As this begins to change, we increasingly find models that will simulate the biogeophysical and biogeochemical effects not only of natural but also human-managed land cover. AgroIBIS is a state-of-the-art land surface model with options to simulate dynamic vegetation (:ref:`Kucharik et al. 2000 `) and interactive crop management (:ref:`Kucharik and Brye 2003 `). The interactive crop management parameterizations from AgroIBIS (March 2003 version) were coupled as a proof-of-concept to the Community Land Model version 3 [CLM3.0, :ref:`Oleson et al. (2004) ` ] (not published), then coupled to the CLM3.5 (:ref:`Levis et al. 2009 `) and later released to the community with CLM4CN (:ref:`Levis et al. 2012 `), and CLM4.5BGC. Additional updates after the release of CLM4.5 were available by request (:ref:`Levis et al. 2016 `), and those are now incorporated into CLM5. With interactive crop management and, therefore, a more accurate representation of agricultural landscapes, we hope to improve the CLM's simulated biogeophysics and biogeochemistry. These advances may improve fully coupled simulations with the Community Earth System Model (CESM), while helping human societies answer questions about changing food, energy, and water resources in response to climate, environmental, land use, and land management change (e.g., :ref:`Kucharik and Brye 2003 `; :ref:`Lobell et al. 2006 `). As implemented here, the crop model uses the same physiology as the natural vegetation but with uses different crop-specific parameter values, phenology, and allocation, as well as fertilizer and irrigation management. .. _Crop plant functional types: Crop plant functional types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To allow crops to coexist with natural vegetation in a grid cell, the vegetated land unit is separated into a naturally vegetated land unit and a managed crop land unit. Unlike the plant functional types (PFTs) in the naturally vegetated land unit, the managed crop PFTs in the managed crop land unit do not share soil columns and thus permit for differences in the land management between crops. Each crop type has a rainfed and an irrigated PFT that are on independent soil columns. Crop grid cell coverage is assigned from satellite data (similar to all natural PFTs), and the managed crop type proportions within the crop area is based on the dataset created by :ref:`Portmann et al. (2010)` for present day. New in CLM5, crop area is extrapolated through time using the dataset provided by Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP), which is part of CMIP6 Land use timeseries (:ref:`Lawrence et al. 2016 `). For more details about how crop distributions are determined, see Chapter :numref:`rst_Transient Landcover Change`. CLM5 includes ten actively managed crop types (temperate soybean, tropical soybean, temperate corn, tropical corn, spring wheat, cotton, rice, sugarcane, miscanthus, and switchgrass) that are chosen based on the availability of corresponding algorithms in AgroIBIS and as developed by :ref:`Badger and Dirmeyer (2015)` and described by :ref:`Levis et al. (2016)`, or from available observations as described by :ref:`Cheng et al. (2019)`. The representations of sugarcane, rice, cotton, tropical corn, and tropical soy were new in CLM5; miscanthus and switchgrass were added after the CLM5 release. Sugarcane and tropical corn are both C4 plants and are therefore represented using the temperate corn functional form. Tropical soybean uses the temperate soybean functional form, while rice and cotton use the wheat functional form. In tropical regions, parameter values were developed for the Amazon Basin, and planting date window is shifted by six months relative to the Northern Hemisphere. Plantation areas of bioenergy crops are projected to expand throughout the 21st century as a major energy source to replace fossil fuels and mitigate climate change. Miscanthus and switchgrass are perennial bioenergy crops and have quite different physiological traits and land management practices than annual crops, such as longer growing seasons, higher productivity, and lower demands for nutrients and water. About 70% of biofuel aboveground biomass (leaf & livestem) is removed at harvest. Parameter values were developed by using observation data collected at the University of Illinois Energy Farm located in Central Midwestern United States (:ref:`Cheng et al., 2019`). In addition, CLM's default list of plant functional types (PFTs) includes an irrigated and unirrigated unmanaged C3 crop (:numref:`Table Crop plant functional types`) treated as a second C3 grass. The unmanaged C3 crop is only used when the crop model is not active and has grid cell coverage assigned from satellite data, and the unmanaged C3 irrigated crop type is currently not used since irrigation requires the crop model to be active. The default list of PFTs also includes twenty-one inactive crop PFTs that do not yet have associated parameters required for active management. Each of the inactive crop types is simulated using the parameters of the spatially closest associated crop type that is most similar to the functional type (e.g., C3 or C4), which is required to maintain similar phenological parameters based on temperature thresholds. Information detailing which parameters are used for each crop type is included in :numref:`Table Crop plant functional types`. It should be noted that PFT-level history output merges all crop types into the actively managed crop type, so analysis of crop-specific output will require use of the land surface dataset to remap the yields of each actively and inactively managed crop type. Otherwise, the actively managed crop type will include yields for that crop type and all inactively managed crop types that are using the same parameter set. .. _Table Crop plant functional types: .. table:: Crop plant functional types (PFTs) included in CLM5BGCCROP. === =========================== ================ =========================== IVT Plant function types (PFTs) Management Class Crop Parameters Used === =========================== ================ =========================== 15 c3 unmanaged rainfed crop none not applicable 16 c3 unmanaged irrigated crop none not applicable 17 rainfed temperate corn active rainfed temperate corn 18 irrigated temperate corn active irrigated temperate corn 19 rainfed spring wheat active rainfed spring wheat 20 irrigated spring wheat active irrigated spring wheat 21 rainfed winter wheat inactive rainfed spring wheat 22 irrigated winter wheat inactive irrigated spring wheat 23 rainfed temperate soybean active rainfed temperate soybean 24 irrigated temperate soybean active irrigated temperate soybean 25 rainfed barley inactive rainfed spring wheat 26 irrigated barley inactive irrigated spring wheat 27 rainfed winter barley inactive rainfed spring wheat 28 irrigated winter barley inactive irrigated spring wheat 29 rainfed rye inactive rainfed spring wheat 30 irrigated rye inactive irrigated spring wheat 31 rainfed winter rye inactive rainfed spring wheat 32 irrigated winter rye inactive irrigated spring wheat 33 rainfed cassava inactive rainfed rice 34 irrigated cassava inactive irrigated rice 35 rainfed citrus inactive rainfed spring wheat 36 irrigated citrus inactive irrigated spring wheat 37 rainfed cocoa inactive rainfed rice 38 irrigated cocoa inactive irrigated rice 39 rainfed coffee inactive rainfed rice 40 irrigated coffee inactive irrigated rice 41 rainfed cotton active rainfed cotton 42 irrigated cotton active irrigated cotton 43 rainfed datepalm inactive rainfed cotton 44 irrigated datepalm inactive irrigated cotton 45 rainfed foddergrass inactive rainfed spring wheat 46 irrigated foddergrass inactive irrigated spring wheat 47 rainfed grapes inactive rainfed spring wheat 48 irrigated grapes inactive irrigated spring wheat 49 rainfed groundnuts inactive rainfed rice 50 irrigated groundnuts inactive irrigated rice 51 rainfed millet inactive rainfed tropical corn 52 irrigated millet inactive irrigated tropical corn 53 rainfed oilpalm inactive rainfed rice 54 irrigated oilpalm inactive irrigated rice 55 rainfed potatoes inactive rainfed spring wheat 56 irrigated potatoes inactive irrigated spring wheat 57 rainfed pulses inactive rainfed spring wheat 58 irrigated pulses inactive irrigated spring wheat 59 rainfed rapeseed inactive rainfed spring wheat 60 irrigated rapeseed inactive irrigated spring wheat 61 rainfed rice active rainfed rice 62 irrigated rice active irrigated rice 63 rainfed sorghum inactive rainfed tropical corn 64 irrigated sorghum inactive irrigated tropical corn 65 rainfed sugarbeet inactive rainfed spring wheat 66 irrigated sugarbeet inactive irrigated spring wheat 67 rainfed sugarcane active rainfed sugarcane 68 irrigated sugarcane active irrigated sugarcane 69 rainfed sunflower inactive rainfed spring wheat 70 irrigated sunflower inactive irrigated spring wheat 71 rainfed miscanthus active rainfed miscanthus 72 irrigated miscanthus active irrigated miscanthus 73 rainfed switchgrass active rainfed switchgrass 74 irrigated switchgrass active irrigated switchgrass 75 rainfed tropical corn active rainfed tropical corn 76 irrigated tropical corn active irrigated tropical corn 77 rainfed tropical soybean active rainfed tropical soybean 78 irrigated tropical soybean active irrigated tropical soybean === =========================== ================ =========================== .. _Phenology: Phenology ^^^^^^^^^ CLM5-BGC includes evergreen, seasonally deciduous (responding to changes in day length), and stress deciduous (responding to changes in temperature and/or soil moisture) phenology algorithms (Chapter :numref:`rst_Vegetation Phenology and Turnover`). CLM5-BGC-crop uses the AgroIBIS crop phenology algorithm, consisting of three distinct phases. Phase 1 starts at planting and ends with leaf emergence, phase 2 continues from leaf emergence to the beginning of grain fill, and phase 3 starts from the beginning of grain fill and ends with physiological maturity and harvest. .. _Planting: Planting '''''''' All crops must meet the following requirements between the minimum planting date and the maximum planting date (for the northern hemisphere) in :numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`: .. math:: :label: 25.1 \begin{array}{c} {T_{10d} >T_{p} } \\ {T_{10d}^{\min } >T_{p}^{\min } } \\ {GDD_{8} \ge GDD_{\min } } \end{array} where :math:`{T}_{10d}` is the 10-day running mean of :math:`{T}_{2m}`, (the simulated 2-m air temperature during each model time step) and :math:`T_{10d}^{\min}` is the 10-day running mean of :math:`T_{2m}^{\min }` (the daily minimum of :math:`{T}_{2m}`). :math:`{T}_{p}` and :math:`T_{p}^{\min }` are crop-specific coldest planting temperatures (:numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`), :math:`{GDD}_{8}` is the 20-year running mean growing degree-days (units are °C day) tracked from April through September (NH) above 8°C with maximum daily increments of 30 degree-days (see equation :eq:`25.3`), and :math:`{GDD}_{min }`\ is the minimum growing degree day requirement (:numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`). :math:`{GDD}_{8}` does not change as quickly as :math:`{T}_{10d}` and :math:`T_{10d}^{\min }`, so it determines whether it is warm enough for the crop to be planted in a grid cell, while the 2-m air temperature variables determine the day when the crop may be planted if the :math:`{GDD}_{8}` threshold is met. If the requirements in equation :eq:`25.1` are not met by the maximum planting date, crops are still planted on the maximum planting date as long as :math:`{GDD}_{8} > 0`. In the southern hemisphere (SH) the NH requirements apply 6 months later. At planting, each crop seed pool is assigned 3 gC m\ :sup:`-2` from its grain product pool. The seed carbon is transferred to the leaves upon leaf emergence. An equivalent amount of seed leaf N is assigned given the PFT's C to N ratio for leaves (:math:`{CN}_{leaf}` in :numref:`Table Crop allocation parameters`; this differs from AgroIBIS, which uses a seed leaf area index instead of seed C). The model updates the average growing degree-days necessary for the crop to reach vegetative and physiological maturity, :math:`{GDD}_{mat}`, according to the following AgroIBIS rules: .. math:: :label: 25.2 \begin{array}{lll} GDD_{{\rm mat}}^{{\rm corn,sugarcane}} =0.85 GDD_{{\rm 8}} & {\rm \; \; \; and\; \; \; }& 950 `, :ref:`Crawford et al. 1982 `, :ref:`Simpson et al. 1983 `, :ref:`Ta and Weiland 1992 `, :ref:`Barbottin et al. 2005 `, :ref:`Gallais et al. 2006 `, :ref:`Gallais et al. 2007 `). Nitrogen allocation for crops follows that of natural vegetation, is supplied in CLM by the soil mineral nitrogen pool, and depends on C:N ratios for leaves, stems, roots, and organs. Nitrogen demand during organ development is fulfilled through retranslocation from leaves, stems, and roots. Nitrogen retranslocation is initiated at the beginning of the grain fill stage for all crops except soybean, for which retranslocation is after LAI decline. Nitrogen stored in the leaf and stem is moved into a storage retranslocation pool for all crops, and for wheat and rice, nitrogen in roots is also released into the retranslocation storage pool. The quantity of nitrogen mobilized depends on the C:N ratio of the plant tissue and is calculated as .. math:: :label: 25.6 leaf\_ to\_ retransn=N_{leaf} -\frac{C_{leaf} }{CN_{leaf}^{f} } .. math:: :label: 25.7 stemn\_ to\_ retransn=N_{stem} -\frac{C_{stem} }{CN_{stem}^{f} } .. math:: :label: 25.8 frootn\_ to\_ retransn=N_{froot} -\frac{C_{froot} }{CN_{froot}^{f} } where :math:`{C}_{leaf}`, :math:`{C}_{stem}`, and :math:`{C}_{froot}` is the carbon in the plant leaf, stem, and fine root, respectively, :math:`{N}_{leaf}`, :math:`{N}_{stem}`, and :math:`{N}_{froot}` is the nitrogen in the plant leaf, stem, and fine root, respectively, and :math:`CN^f_{leaf}`, :math:`CN^f_{stem}`, and :math:`CN^f_{froot}` is the post-grain fill C:N ratio of the leaf, stem, and fine root respectively (:numref:`Table Crop allocation parameters`). Since C:N measurements are often taken from mature crops, pre-grain development C:N ratios for leaves, stems, and roots in the model are optimized to allow maximum nitrogen accumulation for later use during organ development, and post-grain fill C:N ratios are assigned the same as crop residue. After nitrogen is moved into the retranslocated pool, the nitrogen in this pool is used to meet plant nitrogen demand by assigning the available nitrogen from the retranslocated pool equal to the plant nitrogen demand for each organ (:math:`{CN_{[organ]}^{f} }` in :numref:`Table Crop allocation parameters`). Once the retranslocation pool is depleted, soil mineral nitrogen pool is used to fulfill plant nitrogen demands. .. _Harvest to food and seed: Harvest ''''''' Variables track the flow of grain C and N to food and of all other plant pools, including live stem C and N, to litter, and to biofuel feedstock. A fraction (determined by the :math:`biofuel\_harvfrac`, defined in :numref:`Table Plant functional type (PFT) parameters for harvested fraction of leaf/livestem for bioenergy production`) of leaf/livestem C and N from bioenergy crops is removed at harvest for biofuels (Equations :eq:`25.9`. :eq:`harv_c_to_removed_residue`, :eq:`25.12`, and :eq:`harv_n_to_removed_residue`), with the remaining portions going to the litter pools (Equations :eq:`20.14)`, :eq:`25.11`, and :eq:`25.14`). Putting live stem C and N into the litter and biofuel pools is in contrast to the approach for unmanaged PFTs which puts live stem C and N into dead stem pools first. Biofuel crop leaf and stem C and N pools are routed to the litter and biofuel pools, in contrast to that of unmanaged PFTs and non-biofuel crops, which under default settings put leaf C and N into litter pools only. All crops can have their leaf and stem pools routed to a "removed residue" pool by setting namelist parameter :math:`crop\_residue\_removal\_frac` to something greater than its default zero. Root C and N pools are routed to the litter pools in the same manner as natural vegetation. In the equations below, subscript :math:`p` refers to either the leaf or live stem biomass pool. .. math:: :label: 25.9 CF_{p,biofuel} = \left({CS_{p} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{p} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t} \right) * biofuel\_harvfrac .. math:: :label: harv_c_to_removed_residue CF_{p,removed\_residue} = \left({CS_{p} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{p} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t} \right) * (1 - biofuel\_harvfrac) * crop\_residue\_removal\_frac .. math:: :label: 25.11 CF_{p,litter} = \left({CS_{p} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{p} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t} \right) * \left( 1-biofuel\_harvfrac \right) * \left( 1-crop\_residue\_removal\_frac \right) +CF_{p,alloc} with corresponding nitrogen fluxes: .. math:: :label: 25.12 NF_{p,biofuel} = \left({NS_{p} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {NS_{p} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t} \right) * biofuel\_harvfrac .. math:: :label: harv_n_to_removed_residue NF_{p,removed\_residue} = \left({NS_{p} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {NS_{p} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t} \right) * \left( 1 - biofuel\_harvfrac \right) * crop\_residue\_removal\_frac .. math:: :label: 25.14 NF_{p,litter} = \left({NS_{p} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {NS_{p} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t} \right) * \left( 1-biofuel\_harvfrac \right) * \left( 1-crop\_residue\_removal\_frac \right) where CF is the carbon flux, CS is stored carbon, NF is the nitrogen flux, NS is stored nitrogen, and :math:`biofuel\_harvfrac` is the harvested fraction of leaf/livestem for biofuel feedstocks. .. _Table Plant functional type (PFT) parameters for harvested fraction of leaf/livestem for bioenergy production: .. table:: Plant functional type (PFT) parameters for harvested fraction of leaf/livestem for bioenergy production. +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | PFT | :math:`biofuel\_harvfrac` | +==================================+============================+ | NET Temperate | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | NET Boreal | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | NDT Boreal | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | BET Tropical | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | BET temperate | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | BDT tropical | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | BDT temperate | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | BDT boreal | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | BES temperate | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | BDS temperate | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | BDS boreal | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | C\ :sub:`3` arctic grass | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | C\ :sub:`3` grass | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | C\ :sub:`4` grass | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Temperate Corn | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Spring Wheat | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Temperate Soybean | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Cotton | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Rice | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Sugarcane | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Tropical Corn | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Tropical Soybean | 0.00 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Miscanthus | 0.70 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Switchgrass | 0.70 | +----------------------------------+----------------------------+ Whereas food C and N was formerly transferred to the litter pool, CLM5 routes food C and N to a grain product pool where the C and N decay to the atmosphere over one year, similar in structure to the wood product pools. Biofuel and removed-residue C and N is also routed to the grain product pool and decays to the atmosphere over one year. Additionally, CLM5 accounts for the C and N required for crop seeding by removing the seed C and N from the grain product pool during harvest. The crop seed pool is then used to seed crops in the subsequent year. Annual food crop yields (g dry matter m\ :sup:`-2`) can be calculated by saving the GRAINC_TO_FOOD_ANN variable once per year, then postprocessing with Equation :eq:`25.15`. This calculation assumes that grain C is 45% of the total dry weight. Additionally, harvest is not typically 100% efficient, so analysis needs to assume that harvest efficiency is less---we use 85%. .. math:: :label: 25.15 \text{Grain yield} = \frac{GRAINC\_TO\_FOOD\_ANN)*0.85}{0.45} .. _Table Crop allocation parameters: .. table:: Crop allocation parameters for the active crop plant functional types (PFTs) in CLM5BGCCROP. Numbers in the first row correspond to the list of PFTs in :numref:`Table Crop plant functional types`. =========================================== ============== ============ ================== ====== ====== ========= ============= ================ ================ ================ \ temperate corn spring wheat temperate soybean cotton rice sugarcane tropical corn tropical soybean miscanthus switchgrass =========================================== ============== ============ ================== ====== ====== ========= ============= ================ ================ ================ IVT 17, 18 19, 20 23, 24 41, 42 61, 62 67, 68 75, 76 77, 78 71, 72 73, 74 :math:`a_{leaf}^{i}` 0.6 0.9 0.85 0.85 0.75 0.6 0.6 0.85 0.9 0.7 :math:`{L}_{max}` (m :sup:`2` m :sup:`-2`) 5 7 6 6 7 5 5 6 10 6.5 :math:`a_{froot}^{i}` 0.1 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.11 0.14 :math:`a_{froot}^{f}` 0.05 0 0.2 0.2 0 0.05 0.05 0.2 0.09 0.09 :math:`a_{leaf}^{f}` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :math:`a_{livestem}^{f}` 0 0.05 0.3 0.3 0.05 0 0 0.3 0 0 :math:`d_{L}` 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 :math:`d_{alloc}^{stem}` 2 1 5 5 1 2 2 5 2 2 :math:`d_{alloc}^{leaf}` 5 3 2 2 3 5 5 2 5 5 :math:`{CN}_{leaf}` 25 20 20 20 20 25 25 20 25 25 :math:`{CN}_{stem}` 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 :math:`{CN}_{froot}` 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 :math:`CN^f_{leaf}` 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 :math:`CN^f_{stem}` 120 100 130 130 100 120 120 130 120 120 :math:`CN^f_{froot}` 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 :math:`{CN}_{grain}` 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 =========================================== ============== ============ ================== ====== ====== ========= ============= ================ ================ ================ Notes: Crop growth phases and corresponding variables are described throughout the text. :math:`{CN}_{leaf}`, :math:`{CN}_{stem}`, and :math:`{CN}_{froot}` are the target C:N ratios used during the leaf emergence phase (phase 2). .. _Other Features: Other Features ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _Physical Crop Characteristics: Physical Crop Characteristics ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Leaf area index (*L*) is calculated as a function of specific leaf area (SLA, :numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`) and leaf C. Stem area index (*S*) is equal to 0.1\ *L* for temperate and tropical corn, sugarcane, switchgrass, and miscanthus and 0.2\ *L* for other crops, as in AgroIBIS. All live C and N pools go to 0 after crop harvest, but the *S* is kept at 0.25 to simulate a post-harvest "stubble" on the ground. Crop heights at the top and bottom of the canopy, :math:`{z}_{top}` and :math:`{z}_{bot}` (m), come from the AgroIBIS formulation: .. math:: :label: 25.16 \begin{array}{l} {z_{top} =z_{top}^{\max } \left(\frac{L}{L_{\max } -1} \right)^{2} \ge 0.05{\rm \; where\; }\frac{L}{L_{\max } -1} \le 1} \\ {z_{bot} =0.02{\rm m}} \end{array} where :math:`z_{top}^{\max }` is the maximum top-of-canopy height of the crop (:numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`) and :math:`L_{\max }` is the maximum leaf area index (:numref:`Table Crop allocation parameters`). .. _Interactive fertilization: Interactive Fertilization ''''''''''''''''''''''''' CLM simulates fertilization by adding nitrogen directly to the soil mineral nitrogen pool to meet crop nitrogen demands using both industrial fertilizer and manure application. CLM's separate crop land unit ensures that natural vegetation will not access the fertilizer applied to crops. Fertilizer in CLM5BGCCROP is prescribed by crop functional types and varies spatially for each year based on the LUMIP land use and land cover change time series (LUH2 for historical and SSPs for future) (:ref:`Lawrence et al. 2016 `). One of two fields is used to prescribe industrial fertilizer based on the type of simulation. For non-transient simulations, annual fertilizer application in g N/m\ :sup:`2`/yr is specified on the land surface data set by the field CONST_FERTNITRO_CFT. In transient simulations, annual fertilizer application is specified on the land use time series file by the field FERTNITRO_CFT, which is also in g N/m\ :sup:`2`/yr. The values for both of these fields come from the LUMIP time series for each year. In addition to the industrial fertilizer, background manure fertilizer is specified on the parameter file by the field ``manunitro``. For perennial bioenergy crops, little fertilizer (56kg/ha/yr) is applied to switchgrass and no fertilizer is applied to Miscanthus. Note these rates are only based on local land management practices at the University of Illinois Energy Farm located in Central Midwestern United States :ref:`(Cheng et al., 2019)` rather than the LUMIP timeseries. For the current CLM5BGCCROP, manure N is applied at a rate of 0.002 kg N/m\ :sup:`2`/yr. Because previous versions of CLM (e.g., CLM4) had rapid denitrification rates, fertilizer is applied slowly to minimize N loss (primarily through denitrification) and maximize plant uptake. The current implementation of CLM5 inherits this legacy, although denitrification rates are slower in the current version of the model (:ref:`Koven et al. 2013 `). As such, fertilizer application begins during the leaf emergence phase of crop development (phase 2) and continues for 20 days, which helps reduce large losses of nitrogen from leaching and denitrification during the early stage of crop development. The 20-day period is chosen as an optimization to limit fertilizer application to the emergence stage. A fertilizer counter in seconds, *f*, is set as soon as the leaf emergence phase for crops initiates: .. math:: :label: 25.17 f = n \times 86400 where *n* is set to 20 fertilizer application days and 86400 is the number of seconds per day. When the crop enters phase 2 (leaf emergence) of its growth cycle, fertilizer application begins by initializing fertilizer amount to the total fertilizer at each column within the grid cell divided by the initialized *f*. Fertilizer is applied and *f* is decremented each time step until a zero balance on the counter is reached. .. _Biological nitrogen fixation for soybeans: Biological nitrogen fixation for soybeans ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Biological N fixation for soybeans is calculated by the fixation and uptake of nitrogen module (Chapter :numref:`rst_FUN`) and is the same as N fixation in natural vegetation. Unlike natural vegetation, where a fraction of each PFT are N fixers, all soybeans are treated as N fixers. .. _Latitude vary base tempereature for growing degree days: Latitudinal variation in base growth tempereature ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' For most crops, :math:`GDD_{T_{{\rm 2m}} }` (growing degree days since planting) is the same in all locations. However, for both rainfed and irrigated spring wheat and sugarcane, the calculation of :math:`GDD_{T_{{\rm 2m}} }` allows for latitudinal variation: .. math:: :label: 25.18 latitudinal\ variation\ in\ base\ T = \left\{ \begin{array}{lr} baset +12 - 0.4 \times latitude &\qquad 0 \le latitude \le 30 \\ baset +12 + 0.4 \times latitude &\qquad -30 \le latitude \le 0 \end{array} \right\} where :math:`baset` is the *base temperature for GDD* (7\ :sup:`th` row) in :numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`. Such latitudinal variation in base temperature could slow :math:`GDD_{T_{{\rm 2m}} }` accumulation extend the growing season for regions within 30°S to 30°N for spring wheat and sugarcane. .. _Separate reproductive pool: Separate reproductive pool '''''''''''''''''''''''''' One notable difference between natural vegetation and crops is the presence of reproductive carbon and nitrogen pools. Accounting for the reproductive pools helps determine whether crops are performing reasonably through yield calculations. The reproductive pool is maintained similarly to the leaf, stem, and fine root pools, but allocation of carbon and nitrogen does not begin until the grain fill stage of crop development. Equation :eq:`25.5` describes the carbon and nitrogen allocation coefficients to the reproductive pool. In CLM5BGCCROP, as allocation declines in stem, leaf, and root pools (see section :numref:`Grain fill to harvest`) during the grain fill stage of growth, increasing amounts of carbon and nitrogen are available for grain development. .. _Tillage: Tillage ''''''' Tillage is represented as an enhancement of the decomposition rate coefficient; see section :numref:`decomp_mgmt_modifiers`. .. _The irrigation model: The irrigation model -------------------- The CLM includes the option to irrigate cropland areas that are equipped for irrigation. The application of irrigation responds dynamically to the soil moisture conditions simulated by the CLM. This irrigation algorithm is based loosely on the implementation of :ref:`Ozdogan et al. (2010) `. When irrigation is enabled, the crop areas of each grid cell are divided into irrigated and rainfed fractions according to a dataset of areas equipped for irrigation (:ref:`Portmann et al. 2010 `). Irrigated and rainfed crops are placed on separate soil columns, so that irrigation is only applied to the soil beneath irrigated crops. In irrigated croplands, a check is made once per day to determine whether irrigation is required on that day. This check is made in the first time step after 6 AM local time. Irrigation is required if crop leaf area :math:`>` 0, and the available soil water is below a specified threshold. The soil moisture deficit :math:`D_{irrig}` is .. math:: :label: 25.61 D_{irrig} = \left\{ \begin{array}{lr} w_{target} - w_{avail} &\qquad w_{thresh} > w_{avail} \\ 0 &\qquad w_{thresh} \le w_{avail} \end{array} \right\} where :math:`w_{target}` is the irrigation target soil moisture (mm) .. math:: :label: 25.62 w_{target} = \sum_{j=1}^{N_{irr}} \theta_{target} \Delta z_{j} \ . The irrigation moisture threshold (mm) is .. math:: :label: 25.63 w_{thresh} = f_{thresh} \left(w_{target} - w_{wilt}\right) + w_{wilt} where :math:`w_{wilt}` is the wilting point soil moisture (mm) .. math:: :label: 25.64 w_{wilt} = \sum_{j=1}^{N_{irr}} \theta_{wilt} \Delta z_{j} \ , and :math:`f_{thresh}` is a tuning parameter. The available moisture in the soil (mm) is .. math:: :label: 25.65 w_{avail} = \sum_{j=1}^{N_{irr}} \theta_{j} \Delta z_{j} \ , Note that :math:`w_{target}` is truly supposed to give the target soil moisture value that we're shooting for whenever irrigation happens; then the soil moisture deficit :math:`D_{irrig}` gives the difference between this target value and the current soil moisture. The irrigation moisture threshold :math:`w_{thresh}`, on the other hand, gives a threshold at which we decide to do any irrigation at all. The way this is written allows for the possibility that one may not want to irrigate every time there becomes even a tiny soil moisture deficit. Instead, one may want to wait until the deficit is larger before initiating irrigation; at that point, one doesn't want to just irrigate up to the "threshold" but instead up to the higher "target". The target should always be greater than or equal to the threshold. :math:`N_{irr}` is the index of the soil layer corresponding to a specified depth :math:`z_{irrig}` (:numref:`Table Irrigation parameters`) and :math:`\Delta z_{j}` is the thickness of the soil layer in layer :math:`j` (section :numref:`Vertical Discretization`). :math:`\theta_{j}` is the volumetric soil moisture in layer :math:`j` (section :numref:`Soil Water`). :math:`\theta_{target}` and :math:`\theta_{wilt}` are the target and wilting point volumetric soil moisture values, respectively, and are determined by inverting :eq:`7.94` using soil matric potential parameters :math:`\Psi_{target}` and :math:`\Psi_{wilt}` (:numref:`Table Irrigation parameters`). After the soil moisture deficit :math:`D_{irrig}` is calculated, irrigation in an amount equal to :math:`\frac{D_{irrig}}{T_{irrig}}` (mm/s) is applied uniformly over the irrigation period :math:`T_{irrig}` (s). Irrigation water is applied directly to the ground surface, bypassing canopy interception (i.e., added to :math:`{q}_{grnd,liq}`: section :numref:`Canopy Water`). To conserve mass, irrigation is removed from river water storage (Chapter :numref:`rst_River Transport Model (RTM)`). When river water storage is inadequate to meet irrigation demand, there are two options: 1) the additional water can be removed from the ocean model, or 2) the irrigation demand can be reduced such that river water storage is maintained above a specified threshold. .. _Table Irrigation parameters: .. table:: Irrigation parameters +--------------------------------------+-------------+ | Parameter | | +======================================+=============+ | :math:`f_{thresh}` | 1.0 | +--------------------------------------+-------------+ | :math:`z_{irrig}` (m) | 0.6 | +--------------------------------------+-------------+ | :math:`\Psi_{target}` (mm) | -3400 | +--------------------------------------+-------------+ | :math:`\Psi_{wilt}` (mm) | -150000 | +--------------------------------------+-------------+ .. add a reference to surface data in chapter2 To accomplish this we downloaded data of percent irrigated and percent rainfed corn, soybean, and temperate cereals (wheat, barley, and rye) (:ref:`Portmann et al. 2010 `), available online from *ftp://ftp.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/pub/uni-frankfurt/physische\_geographie/hydrologie/public/data/MIRCA2000/harvested\_area\_grids.*