.. include:: ../substitutions.rst .. _creating-domain-files: ***************************** Creating CLM domain files ***************************** *gen_domain* to create a domain file for datm from a mapping file. ``gen_domain`` is a tool that is a part of CIME. The domain file is then used by BOTH DATM AND CLM to define the grid and land-mask. The general data flow is shown in two figures. :numref:`Figure mkmapdata.sh` shows the general flow for a general global case (or for a regional grid that DOES include ocean). :numref:`Figure mknoocnmap.pl` shows the use of ``mknoocnmap.pl`` (see :ref:`using-mkocnmap`) to create a regional or single-point map file that is then run through ``gen_domain`` to create the domain file for it. As stated before :numref:`Figure Data_Flow_Legend` is the legend for both of these figures. See `the $CIMEROOT/tools/mapping/gen_domain_files/README `_ file for more help on ``gen_domain``. Here we create domain files for a regular global domain. Global Domain file creation =========================== .. _Figure Global-Domain: .. figure:: GlobalDomain.jpeg Global Domain file creation Starting from SCRIP grid files for both your atmosphere and ocean, you use **$CIMEROOT/tools/mapping/gen_mapping_files/gen_cesm_maps.sh** to create a mapping file between the atmosphere and ocean. That mapping file is then used as input to **gen_domain** to create output domain files for both atmosphere and ocean. The atmosphere domain file is then used by both CLM and DATM for I compsets, while the ocean domain file is ignored. For this process you have to define your SCRIP grid files on your own. For a regional or single-point case that doesn't include ocean see :numref:`Figure mknoocnmap.pl`. (See :numref:`Figure Global-Domain` for the legend for this figure.) Note that the SCRIP grid file used to start this process is also used in ``mkmapdata.sh`` (see :ref:`using-mkocnmap`). Next we create domain files for a single-point or regional domain. Domain file creation using mknoocnmap.pl ======================================== .. _Figure mknoocnmap.pl: .. figure:: mknoocnmap.jpeg Domain file creation using mknoocnmap.pl For a regular latitude/longitude grid that can be used for regional or single point simulations -- you can use **mknoocnmap.pl**. It creates a SCRIP grid file that can then be used as input to **mkmapdata.sh** as well as a SCRIP mapping file that is then input to **gen_domain**. The output of **gen_domain** is a atmosphere domain file used by both CLM and DATM and a ocean domain file that is ignored. (See :numref:`Figure mknoocnmap.pl` for the legend for this figure.) In this case the process creates both SCRIP grid files to be used by **mkmapdata.sh** as well as the domain files that will be used by both CLM and DATM.