1.1.10. Getting Help

In addition to this users-guide there are several other resources that are available to help you use CTSM1. The first one is the CESM2.2 beta User’s-Guide, which documents the entire process of creating cases with CESM2.2 beta. And next is the CIME User’s Guide which goes over the scripts and infrastructure used for running CTSM1 in CESM2.2 beta. The CESM bulletin board which is a web-site for exchanging information between users of CESM. There are also CLM web-pages specific for CLM, and finally there is an email address to report bugs that you find in CESM2.2 beta. The CESM User’s-Guide

CTSM master CTSM master in CESM2.2 beta is always run from within the standard CESM2.2 beta build and run scripts. Therefore, the user of CTSM1 should familiarize themselves with the CESM2.2 beta scripts and understand how to work with them. User’s-Guide documentation on the CESM2.2 beta scripts are available from the following web-page. The purpose of this CTSM1 in CESM2.2 beta User’s Guide is to give the CTSM1 user more complete details on how to work with CLM and the set of tools that support CLM, as well as to give examples that are unique to the use of CLM. However, the CESM2.2 beta Scripts User’s-Guide remains the primary source to get detailed information on how to build and run the CESM system.

|cesmrelease| Quickstart Guide The CIME User’s-Guide

The CIME Users’-Guide goes into the how to use the scripts and infrastructure of the CESM. CIME Users Guide The CESM Bulletin Board

There is a rich and diverse set of people that use the CESM, and often it is useful to be in contact with others to get help in solving problems or trying something new. To facilitate this we have an online Bulletin Board for questions on the CESM. There are also different sections in the Bulletin Board for the different component models or for different topics.

CTSM Forum

All CESM Forums (including forums for infrastructure/porting questions, etc.) The CLM web pages

The main CLM web page contains information on the CLM, its history, developers, as well as downloads for previous model versions. Some other links are available at the CESM2 land component webpage <http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm2/land>. There are also documentation text files in the $CTSMROOT/doc directory that give some quick information on using CLM.

Also note that several of the XML database files can help with namelist options, namelist defaults, or compsets. For the most recent release:

Some archives are available for previous versions: Reporting bugs in CTSM1

If you have any problems, additional questions, bug reports, or any other feedback, please report it as an issue on GitHub https://github.com/ESCOMP/ctsm/issues or for CIME scripts and infrastructure to https://github.com/ESMCI/CIME/issues. Or send an email to <cesmhelp@cgd.ucar.edu> or <ctsm-software@ucar.edu>. If you find bad, wrong, or misleading information in this users guide report it as an issue on CTSM. Some Acronym’s and Terms We’ll be Using


Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). The prognostically active atmosphere model component of CESM.


Community Earth System Model (CESM). The coupled earth system model that CLM is a component of.


The Common Infrastructure for Modeling the Earth (CIME - pronounced “SEAM”) provides a Case Control System for configuring, compiling and executing Earth system models, data and stub model components, a driver and associated tools and libraries.


Community Land Model (CLM). The prognostically active land model component of CESM.


Community Land Model (CTSM1) with BGC Biogeochemistry. Uses CN Biogeochemistry with vertically resolved soil Carbon, CENTURY model like pools, and Nitrification/De-Nitrification. The CLM_CONFIG_OPTS option for this is

./xmlchange CLM_CONFIG_OPTS="phys clm5_0 -bgc bgc


Community Land Model (CTSM1) with BGC Biogeochemistry and prognotic crop. The CLM_CONFIG_OPTS option for this is

./xmlchange CLM_CONFIG_OPTS="phys clm5_0 -bgc bgc -crop


Community Land Model (CLM) with Carbon Nitrogen (CN) Biogeochemistry (either CLM4.0, CLM4.5 or CTSM1) The CLM_CONFIG_OPTS option for this is

./xmlchange CLM_CONFIG_OPTS="-bgc cn" -append


Community Land Model (CLM) with Satellite Phenology (SP) (either CLM4.0, CLM4.5 or CTSM1) The CLM_CONFIG_OPTS option for this is

./xmlchange CLM_CONFIG_OPTS="-bgc sp" -append


Community Land Model (CLM) Urban Model (either CLM4.0, CLM4.5 or CTSM1). The urban model component of CLM is ALWAYS active (unless you create special surface datasets that have zero urban percent, or for regional/single-point simulations for a non-urban area).


The Climate Research Unit (CRU) analysis of the NCEP atmosphere reanalysis atmosphere forcing data. This can be used to drive CLM with atmosphere forcing from 1901 to 2016. This data is updated every year, the version we are currently using is Version-7. The las CESM1.2.2 release used Version-4 data.


The Community Terrestrial Systems Model, of which CTSM1 and CLM4.5 are namelist option sets of. CTSM is a wider community that includes using CTSM for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) as well as climate.


Data Atmosphere Model (DATM) the prescribed data atmosphere component for CESM. Forcing data that we provide are either the CRUNCEP, Qian, or GSWP3 forcing datasets (see below).


Dynamic global vegetation, where fractional PFT (see PFT below) changes in time prognostically. Can NOT be used with prescribed transient PFT (requires either CLMBGC or CLMCN for either CLM4.0, CLM4.5 or CTSM1). The CLM_CONFIG_OPTS option for this is

./xmlchange CLM_CONFIG_OPTS="-bgc cndv" -append

This option is being phased out for the different methodology of FATES (see below). DV is not currently scientifically validated and as such should be considered experimental.


Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF). They are a software project that provides a software library to support Earth System modeling. We provide interfaces for ESMF as well as use their regridding capabilities for offline CLM tools.


Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator. This is being developed by the Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment Tropics’ (NGEE-T) project and uses both CTSM1 and the land model component of E3SM (Energy Exascale Earth System Model).


Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen model, a parameter option of CTSM1.


Global Soil Wetness Project (GSPW3) atmospheric forcing data. It is a 3-hourly 0.5° global forcing product (1901-2014) that is based on the NCEP 20th Century Reanalysis, with additional bias corrections added by GSWP3.


Leaf Utilization of Nitrogen for Assimilation parameterization option as part of CTSM1.


National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). This is the research facility that maintains CLM with contributions from other national labs and Universities.


The National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). In this document this normally refers to the reanalysis atmosphere data produced by NCEP.


Model for Scale Adaptive River Transport, ROF model component option added as part of CTSM1. It is the standard ROF model used in CTSM1 compsets.


Plant Function Type (PFT). A type of vegetation that CLM parameterizes.


PoinT CLM (PTCLM) a python script that operates on top of CLM for CTSM1 to run single point simulations for CLM.


River runOff Model to route flow of surface water over land out to the ocean. CESM2.2 beta has two components options for this the new model MOSART and previous model RTM.


River Transport Model, ROF model component option that has been a part of all versions of CESM. It is the standard ROF model used in CLM4.5 and CLM4.0 compsets.


Spherical Coordinate Remapping and Interpolation Package (SCRIP). We use it’s file format for specifying both grid coordinates as well as mapping between different grids.


Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model for hydrology. This is an option to CTSM1 in place of the standard CTSM1 hydrology. The CLM_CONFIG_OPTS option for this is

./xmlchange CLM_CONFIG_OPTS="-vichydro on" -append