2.12. Lake Model¶
The lake model, denoted the Lake, Ice, Snow, and Sediment Simulator
(LISSS), is from Subin et al. (2012a).
It includes extensive modifications to the lake code of
Zeng et al. (2002) used in CLM
versions 2 through 4, which utilized concepts from the lake models of
Bonan (1996),
Henderson-Sellers (1985),
Henderson-Sellers (1986),
Hostetler and Bartlein (1990),
and the coupled lake-atmosphere model of Hostetler et al. (1993), Hostetler et al. (1993).
Lakes have spatially variable depth prescribed in the surface data (section
External Data); the surface data optionally includes lake optical
extinction coeffient and horizontal fetch, currently only used for site
simulations. Lake physics includes freezing and thawing in the lake
body, resolved snow layers, and “soil” and bedrock layers below the lake
body. Temperatures and ice fractions are simulated for
layers (for global simulations) or
(for site simulations) with discretization
described in section 2.12.1. Lake albedo is
described in section 2.12.3. Lake surface fluxes
(section 2.12.4) generally
follow the formulations for non-vegetated surfaces, including the calculations
of aerodynamic resistances (section
however, the lake surface temperature
(representing an infinitesimal interface layer between
the top resolved lake layer and the atmosphere) is solved for
simultaneously with the surface fluxes. After surface fluxes are
evaluated, temperatures are solved simultaneously in the resolved snow
layers (if present), the lake body, and the soil and bedrock, using the
ground heat flux G as a top boundary condition. Snow, soil, and
bedrock models generally follow the formulations for non-vegetated
surfaces (Chapter 2.6), with
modifications described below.
2.12.1. Vertical Discretization¶
Currently, there is one lake modeled in each grid cell (with prescribed
or assumed depth d, extinction coefficient , and fetch
f), although this could be modified with changes to the CLM subgrid
decomposition algorithm in future model versions. As currently
implemented, the lake consists of 0-5 snow layers; water and ice layers
(10 for global simulations and 25 for site simulations) comprising the
“lake body;” 10 “soil” layers; and 5 bedrock layers. Each lake body
layer has a fixed water mass (set by the nominal layer thickness and the
liquid density), with frozen mass-fraction I a state variable.
Resolved snow layers are present if the snow thickness
, where smin = 4 cm by
default, and is adjusted for model timesteps other than 1800 s in order
to maintain numerical stability (section For global simulations
with 10 body layers, the default (50 m lake) body layer thicknesses are
given by:
of 0.1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 7, 10.45, and
10.45 m, with node depths
located at the center of each
layer (i.e., 0.05, 0.6, 2.1, 4.6, 8.1, 12.6, 18.6, 25.6, 34.325, 44.775
m). For site simulations with 25 layers, the default thicknesses are
(m): 0.1 for layer 1; 0.25 for layers 2-5; 0.5 for layers 6-9; 0.75 for
layers 10-13; 2 for layers 14-15; 2.5 for layers 16-17; 3.5 for layers
18-21; and 5.225 for layers 22-25. For lakes with depth d
50 m and d
1 m, the top
layer is kept at 10 cm and the other 9 layer thicknesses are adjusted to
maintain fixed proportions. For lakes with d
1 m, all layers
have equal thickness. Thicknesses of snow, soil, and bedrock layers
follow the scheme used over non-vegetated surfaces (Chapter 2.6), with
modifications to the snow layer thickness rules to keep snow layers at
least as thick as smin (section
2.12.2. External Data¶
As discussed in Subin et al. (2012a, b), the Global Lake and Wetland Database (Lehner and Doll 2004) is currently used to prescribe lake fraction in each land model grid cell, for a total of 2.3 million km-2. As in Subin et al. (2012a, b), the Kourzeneva et al. (2012) global gridded dataset is currently used to estimate a mean lake depth in each grid cell, based on interpolated compilations of geographic information.
2.12.3. Surface Albedo¶
For direct radiation, the albedo a for lakes with ground temperature
(K) above freezing is given by (Pivovarov, 1972)
where z is the zenith angle. For diffuse radiation, the expression in eq. is integrated over the full sky to yield a = 0.10.
For frozen lakes without resolved snow layers, the albedo at cold
temperatures a0 is 0.60 for visible and 0.40 for near
infrared radiation. As the temperature at the ice surface,
, approaches freezing [
(K) (Table 2.2.7)], the albedo is relaxed towards 0.10 based on
Mironov et al. (2010):
where a is restricted to be no less than that given in (2.12.1).
For frozen lakes with resolved snow layers, the reflectance of the ice surface is fixed at a0, and the snow reflectance is calculated as over non-vegetated surfaces (Chapter 2.3). These two reflectances are combined to obtain the snow-fraction-weighted albedo as in over non-vegetated surfaces (Chapter 2.3).
2.12.4. Surface Fluxes and Surface Temperature¶ Surface Properties¶
The fraction of shortwave radiation absorbed at the surface,
, depends on the lake state. If resolved snow layers are
present, then
is set equal to the absorption fraction
predicted by the snow-optics submodel (Chapter 2.3)
for the top snow
layer. Otherwise,
is set equal to the near infrared
fraction of the shortwave radiation reaching the surface simulated by
the atmospheric model or atmospheric data model used for offline
simulations (Chapter 2.33). The remainder of the shortwave radiation
fraction (1
) is absorbed in the lake
body or soil as described in section
The surface roughnesses are functions of the lake state and atmospheric
forcing. For frozen lakes ( ) with resolved
snow layers, the momentum roughness length
(as over non-vegetated
surfaces; Chapter 2.5), and the scalar roughness lengths
(z0q for latent heat; and z0h, for sensible heat) are given by
(Zilitinkevich 1970)
where is the near-surface atmospheric roughness
Reynolds number,
is the roughness
length for sensible heat,
is the
roughness length for latent heat,
(m2 s-1) is the kinematic viscosity of air, and
(m s-1) is the friction velocity in the
atmospheric surface layer. For frozen lakes without resolved snow
(Subin et al. (2012a)),
and the scalar roughness lengths are given by .
For unfrozen lakes, z0m is given by (Subin et al. (2012a))
where = 0.1,
is the kinematic viscosity
of air given below, C is the effective Charnock coefficient given
below, and g is the acceleration of gravity (Table 2.2.7). The kinematic
viscosity is given by
, and
is the pressure at the atmospheric reference
height. The Charnock coefficient C is a function of the lake fetch F
(m), given in the surface data or set to 25 times the lake depth d by
where A and B define the fetch- and depth-limitation, respectively;
, and u (m
s-1) is the atmospheric forcing wind. Surface Flux Solution¶
Conservation of energy at the lake surface requires
where is the absorbed solar radiation in the lake,
is the fraction absorbed at the surface,
is the net emitted longwave radiation (+ upwards),
is the sensible heat flux (+ upwards),
is the water vapor flux (+ upwards), and G is the
ground heat flux (+ downwards). All of these fluxes depend implicitly on
the temperature at the lake surface
to an energy flux based on
The sensible heat flux (W m-2) is
where is the density of moist air (kg
m-3) (Chapter 2.5),
is the specific heat
capacity of air (J kg-1 K-1) (Table 2.2.7),
is the atmospheric potential temperature (K)
(Chapter 2.5),
is the lake surface temperature (K) (at an
infinitesimal interface just above the top resolved model layer: snow,
ice, or water), and
is the aerodynamic resistance to
sensible heat transfer (s m-1) (section 2.5.1).
The water vapor flux (kg m-2 s-1) is
where is the atmospheric specific humidity (kg
kg-1) (section,
is the saturated specific humidity
(kg kg-1) (section 2.5.5) at
the lake surface temperature
, and
is the
aerodynamic resistance to water vapor transfer (s m-1)
(section 2.5.1).
The zonal and meridional momentum fluxes are
where and
are the zonal and
meridional atmospheric winds (m s-1) (section, and
is the aerodynamic resistance for momentum (s
m-1) (section 2.5.1).
The heat flux into the lake surface (W m-2) is
where is the thermal conductivity (W
m-1 K-1),
is the
thickness (m), and
is the temperature (K) of the top
resolved lake layer (snow, ice, or water). The top thermal conductivity
of unfrozen lakes (
includes conductivities due to molecular (
) and
eddy (
) diffusivities (section, as evaluated
in the top lake layer at the previous timestep, where
is the thermal conductivity of water (Table 2.2.7). For frozen lakes without resolved snow layers,
. When resolved snow layers are
is calculated based on the water
content, ice content, and thickness of the top snow layer, as for
non-vegetated surfaces.
The absorbed solar radiation is
where and
are the incident direct beam
and diffuse solar fluxes (W m-2) and
denotes the visible (
) and
near-infrared (
) wavebands (section, and
are the direct beam and diffuse lake
albedos (section 2.12.3).
The net emitted longwave radiation is
where is the upward longwave radiation from
the surface,
is the downward atmospheric
longwave radiation (section The upward
longwave radiation from the surface is
where is the lake surface emissivity,
is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W m-2 K-4) (Table 2.2.7), and
is the difference in lake surface
temperature between Newton-Raphson iterations (see below).
The sensible heat , the water vapor flux
through its dependence on the saturated specific humidity, the net
longwave radiation
, and the ground heat flux
, all depend on the lake surface temperature
Newton-Raphson iteration is applied to solve for
and the
surface fluxes as
where and the subscript
“n” indicates the iteration. Therefore, the surface temperature
can be written as
where the partial derivatives are
The fluxes of momentum, sensible heat, and water vapor are solved for
simultaneously with lake surface temperature as follows. The
stability-related equations are the same as for non-vegetated surfaces
(section 2.5.2),
except that the surface roughnesses are here (weakly varying) functions
of the friction velocity . To begin, z0m is set
based on the value calculated for the last timestep (for
) or based on the values in section (otherwise), and the scalar roughness
lengths are set based on the relationships in section
An initial guess for the wind speed
including the convective velocity
is obtained from (2.5.24) assuming an initial convective velocity
m s-1 for stable conditions (
as evaluated from (2.5.50)) and
for unstable conditions (
An initial guess for the Monin-Obukhov length
is obtained from the bulk Richardson number using (2.5.46) and (2.5.48).
The following system of equations is iterated four times:
Heat of vaporization / sublimation
Thermal conductivity
Potential temperature scale
((2.5.37) , (2.5.38), (2.5.39), (2.5.40))
Aerodynamic resistances
, and
((2.5.55), (2.5.56), (2.5.57))
Lake surface temperature
Heat of vaporization / sublimation
Sensible heat flux
is updated for
Water vapor flux
is updated for
where the last term on the right side of equation is the change in
saturated specific humidity due to the change in between
Saturated specific humidity
and its derivative
are updated for
(section 2.5.1).
Virtual potential temperature scale
Wind speed including the convective velocity,
Monin-Obukhov length
Once the four iterations for lake surface temperature have been yielded
a tentative solution , several restrictions
are imposed in order to maintain consistency with the top lake model
layer temperature
(Subin et al. (2012a)).
where is the temperature of maximum liquid water
density, 3.85o C (Hostetler and Bartlein (1990)). The
first condition requires that, if there is any snow or ice present, the
surface temperature is restricted to be less than or equal to freezing.
The second and third conditions maintain convective stability in the top
lake layer.
If eq. XXX is applied, the turbulent fluxes and
are re-evaluated. The emitted longwave radiation and
the momentum fluxes are re-evaluated in any case. The final ground heat
is calculated from the residual of the energy balance eq.
XXX in order to precisely conserve energy. XXX This ground heat flux
is taken as a prescribed flux boundary condition for the lake
temperature solution (section
An energy balance check is
included at each timestep to insure that eq. XXX is obeyed to within
0.1 W m-2.
2.12.5. Lake Temperature¶ Introduction¶
The (optional-) snow, lake body (water and/or ice), soil, and bedrock system is unified for the lake temperature solution. The governing equation, similar to that for the snow-soil-bedrock system for vegetated land units (Chapter 2.6), is
where is the volumetric heat capacity (J
m-3 K-1),
is time (s), T is
the temperature (K),
is the thermal conductivity (W
m-1 K-1), and
is the solar
radiation (W m-2) penetrating to depth z (m). The
system is discretized into N layers, where
is the number of actively modeled snow layers at the
current timestep (Chapter 2.8), and
is as for vegetated land units (Chapter
2.6). Energy is conserved as
where is the volumetric heat capacity of
the jth layer (section,
is the latent heat
of fusion per unit volume of the jth layer (proportional to the mass
of liquid water present), and the right-hand side represents the net
influx of energy to the lake system. Note that
can only change due to phase change (except
for changing snow layer mass, which, apart from energy required to melt
snow, represents an untracked energy flux in the land model, along with
advected energy associated with water flows in general), and this is
restricted to occur at
in the snow-lake-soil
system, allowing eq. to be precisely enforced and justifying the
exclusion of
from the time derivative in eq. . Overview of Changes from CLM4¶
Thermal conductivities include additional eddy diffusivity, beyond the Hostetler and Bartlein (1990) formulation, due to unresolved processes (Fang and Stefan 1996; Subin et al. (2012a)). Lake water is now allowed to freeze by an arbitrary fraction for each layer, which releases latent heat and changes thermal properties. Convective mixing occurs for all lakes, even if frozen. Soil and bedrock are included beneath the lake. The full snow model is used if the snow thickness exceeds a threshold; if there are resolved snow layers, radiation transfer is predicted by the snow-optics submodel (Chapter 2.3), and the remaining radiation penetrating the bottom snow layer is absorbed in the top layer of lake ice; conversely, if there are no snow layers, the solar radiation penetrating the bottom lake layer is absorbed in the top soil layer. The lakes have variable depth, and all physics is assumed valid for arbitrary depth, except for a depth-dependent enhanced mixing (section Finally, a previous sign error in the calculation of eddy diffusivity (specifically, the Brunt-Väisälä frequency term; eq. ) was corrected. Boundary Conditions¶
The top boundary condition, imposed at the top modeled layer
, where
, is the downwards
surface flux G defined by the energy flux residual during the surface
temperature solution (section The bottom
boundary condition, imposed at
, is zero flux.
The 2-m windspeed
(m s-1) is used in the
calculation of eddy diffusivity:
where is the friction velocity calculated in section and k is the von Karman constant
(Table 2.2.7). Eddy Diffusivity and Thermal Conductivities¶
The total eddy diffusivity (m2 s-1) for liquid water in the lake body is given by (Subin et al. (2012a))
where is due to wind-driven eddies
(Hostetler and Bartlein (1990)),
is a modest enhanced diffusivity
intended to represent unresolved mixing processes
(Fang and Stefan 1996),
the molecular diffusivity of water (given by the ratio of its thermal
conductivity (W m-1 K-1) to the product of
its heat capacity (J kg-1 K-1) and density
(kg m-3), values given in Table 2.2.7), and
(unitless) is a factor which increases the overall diffusivity for large
lakes, intended to represent 3-dimensional mixing processes such as
caused by horizontal temperature gradients. As currently implemented,
where d is the lake depth.
The wind-driven eddy diffusion coefficient (m2 s-1) for layers
where is the neutral value of the turbulent Prandtl
is the node depth (m), the surface friction
velocity (m s-1) is
, and
varies with latitude
. For the
bottom layer,
. As in
Hostetler and Bartlein (1990),
the 2-m wind speed
(m s-1) (eq. ) is used to evaluate
rather than the 10-m wind used by
Henderson-Sellers (1985).
The Richardson number is
and is the acceleration due to gravity (m s-2)
(Table 2.2.7),
is the density of water (kg
m-3), and
approximated as
. Note that
because here, z is increasing downwards (unlike in Hostetler and Bartlein (1990)), eq. contains no negative sign; this is a correction
from CLM4. The density of water is
(Hostetler and Bartlein (1990))
The enhanced diffusivity is given by
(Fang and Stefan 1996)
where is calculated as in eq. except for the minimum
value imposed in .
The thermal conductivity for the liquid water portion of lake body layer
i, (W m-1 K-1) is
given by
The thermal conductivity of the ice portion of lake body layer i,
(W m-1 K-1), is
constant among layers, and is given by
where (Table 2.2.7) is the nominal thermal
conductivity of ice:
is adjusted for the fact
that the nominal model layer thicknesses remain constant even while the
physical ice thickness exceeds the water thickness.
The overall thermal conductivity for layer i with
ice mass-fraction
is the harmonic mean of the liquid
and water fractions, assuming that they will be physically vertically
stacked, and is given by
The thermal conductivity of snow, soil, and bedrock layers above and below the lake, respectively, are computed identically to those for vegetated land units (Chapter 2.6), except for the adjustment of thermal conductivity for frost heave or excess ice (Subin et al., 2012a, Supporting Information). Radiation Penetration¶
If there are no resolved snow layers, the surface absorption fraction is set according to the near-infrared fraction simulated
by the atmospheric model. This is apportioned to the surface energy
budget (section, and thus no additional radiation is absorbed in
the top
(currently 0.6 m) of unfrozen lakes, for which
the light extinction coefficient
varies between lake columns (eq. ). For frozen lakes
), the remaining
fraction of surface absorbed
radiation that is not apportioned to the surface energy budget is
absorbed in the top lake body layer. This is a simplification, as lake
ice is partially transparent. If there are resolved snow layers, then
the snow optics submodel (Chapter 2.3) is used to calculate the snow layer
absorption (except for the absorption predicted for the top layer by the
snow optics submodel, which is assigned to the surface energy budget),
with the remainder penetrating snow layers absorbed in the top lake body
ice layer.
For unfrozen lakes, the solar radiation remaining at depth
in the lake body is given by
For all lake body layers, the flux absorbed by the layer i,
, is
The argument of each exponent is constrained to be non-negative (so
= 0 for layers contained within
The remaining flux exiting the bottom of layer
absorbed in the top soil layer.
The light extinction coefficient (m-1), if
not provided as external data, is a function of depth d (m)
(Subin et al. (2012a)):
(2.12.41)¶ Heat Capacities¶
The vertically-integrated heat capacity for each lake layer,
(J m-2) is determined by the mass-weighted average over the heat capacities for the
water and ice fractions:
Note that the density of water is used for both ice and water fractions, as the thickness of the layer is fixed.
The total heat capacity for each soil, snow, and
bedrock layer (J m-2) is determined as for vegetated land
units (Chapter 2.6), as the sum of the heat capacities for the water, ice,
and mineral constituents. Crank-Nicholson Solution¶
The solution method for thermal diffusion is similar to that used for
soil (Chapter 2.6), except that the
lake body layers are sandwiched between the snow and soil layers
(section, and radiation flux is
absorbed throughout the lake layers. Before solution, layer temperatures
(K), thermal conductivities
m-1 K-1), heat capacities
(J m-2), and layer and interface depths from all
components are transformed into a uniform set of vectors with length
and consistent units to
simplify the solution. Thermal conductivities at layer interfaces are
calculated as the harmonic mean of the conductivities of the neighboring
where is the conductivity at the interface between
layer i and layer i + 1,
is the depth of the node of
layer i, and
is the depth of the interface below
layer i. Care is taken at the boundaries between snow and lake and
between lake and soil. The governing equation is discretized for each
layer as
where superscripts n + 1 and n denote values at the end and
beginning of the timestep , respectively,
(W m-2) is the downward heat flux at the bottom of layer
i, and
is the solar radiation absorbed in layer
Eq. is solved using the semi-implicit Crank-Nicholson Method, resulting in a tridiagonal system of equations:
The fluxes are defined as follows: for the top layer,
, where G is defined as in
section (the factor of 2 merely cancels
out the Crank-Nicholson 0.5 in the equation for
For the bottom layer,
For all other layers:
(2.12.46)¶ Phase Change¶
Phase change in the lake, snow, and soil is done similarly to that done for the soil and snow for vegetated land units (Chapter 2.6), except without the allowance for freezing point depression in soil underlying lakes. After the heat diffusion is calculated, phase change occurs in a given layer if the temperature is below freezing and liquid water remains, or if the temperature is above freezing and ice remains.
If melting occurs, the available energy for melting,
(J m-2), is computed as
where is the temperature of the layer after thermal
diffusion (section, and
is as calculated in section The mass of melt in the layer M
(kg m-2) is given by
where (J kg-1) is the latent heat of
fusion of water (Table 2.2.7), and
is the mass of ice in
the layer:
for a lake body
layer, or simply the soil / snow ice content state variable
) for a soil / snow layer. The heat remainder,
is given by
Finally, the mass of ice in the layer is adjusted
downwards by
, and the temperature
of the
layer is adjusted to
where .
If freezing occurs, is again given by but will be
negative. The melt
, also negative, is given by
where is the mass of water in the layer:
for a lake body
layer, or the soil / snow water content state variable
). The heat remainder
is given by eq.
and will be negative or zero. Finally,
is adjusted
downwards by
and the temperature is reset according to eq. .
In the presence of nonzero snow water without resolved
snow layers over
an unfrozen top lake layer, the available energy in the top lake layer
is used to melt the snow.
Similar to above,
is either completely melted and the
remainder of heat returned to the top lake layer, or the available heat
is exhausted and the top lake layer is set to freezing. The snow
thickness is adjusted downwards in proportion to the amount of melt,
maintaining constant density. Convection¶
Convective mixing is based on
Hostetler et al.’s (1993, 1994) coupled
lake-atmosphere model, adjusting the lake temperature after diffusion
and phase change to maintain a stable density profile. Unfrozen lakes
overturn when , in which case the layer
thickness weighted average temperature for layers 1 to
applied to layers 1 to
and the densities are updated. This
scheme is applied iteratively to layers
Unstable profiles occurring at the bottom of the lake (i.e., between
) are treated
separately (Subin et al. (2012a)), as occasionally
these can be induced by
heat expelled from the sediments (not present in the original
Hostetler et al. (1994) model). Mixing proceeds
from the bottom upward in this
case (i.e., first mixing layers
, then checking
and mixing down to
needed, and on to the top), so as not to mix in with warmer over-lying
For frozen lakes, this algorithm is generalized to conserve total enthalpy and ice content, and to maintain ice contiguous at the top of the lake. Thus, an additional mixing criterion is added: the presence of ice in a layer that is below a layer which is not completely frozen. When this occurs, these two lake layers and all those above mix. Total enthalpy Q is conserved as
Once the average ice fraction is calculated from
the temperatures are calculated. A separate temperature is calculated
for the frozen ( ) and unfrozen (
fractions of the mixed layers. If the total heat content Q is positive
(e.g. some layers will be above freezing), then the extra heat is all
assigned to the unfrozen layers, while the fully frozen layers are kept
at freezing. Conversely, if
, the heat deficit will all
be assigned to the ice, and the liquid layers will be kept at freezing.
For the layer that contains both ice and liquid (if present), a weighted
average temperature will have to be calculated.
If , then
, and
is given by
If , then
, and
is given by
The ice is lumped together at the top. For each lake layer j from 1
to i + 1, the ice fraction and temperature are set as follows, where
, then
Otherwise, if
, then the layer will contain both ice and water. The ice fraction is given by
. The temperature is set to conserve the desired heat content that would be present if the layer could have two temperatures, and then dividing by the heat capacity of the layer to yield
. Energy Conservation¶
To check energy conservation, the left-hand side of eq. XXX is
re-written to yield the total enthalpy of the lake system (J
m-2) :
where is the water mass of the ith layer (similar
to section, and
is the mass of snow-ice not
present in resolved snow layers. This expression is evaluated once at
the beginning and once at the end of the timestep (re-evaluating each
), and the change is compared with the net surface
energy flux to yield the error flux
If W m-2, it is
subtracted from the sensible heat flux and added to G. Otherwise, the
model is aborted.
2.12.6. Lake Hydrology¶ Overview¶
Hydrology is done similarly to other impervious non-vegetated columns
(e.g., glaciers) where snow layers may be resolved but infiltration into
the permanent ground is not allowed. The water mass of lake columns is
currently maintained constant, aside from overlying snow. The water
budget is balanced with (eq. ; kg m-2
s-1), a generalized runoff term for impervious land units
that may be negative.
There are some modifications to the soil and snow parameterizations as
compared with the soil in vegetated land units, or the snow overlying
other impervious columns. The soil can freeze or thaw, with the
allowance for frost heave (or the initialization of excess ice)
(sections and, but no air-filled pore space is allowed in
the soil. To preserve numerical stability in the lake model (which uses
a slightly different surface flux algorithm than over other
non-vegetated land units), two changes are made to the snow model.
First, dew or frost is not allowed to be absorbed by a top snow layer
which has become completely melted during the timestep. Second, because
occasional instabilities occurred during model testing when the
Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) condition was violated, due to the
explicit time-stepping integration of the surface flux solution,
resolved snow layers must be a minimum of = 4 cm
thick rather than 1 cm when the default timestep of 1800 s is used. Water Balance¶
The total water balance of the system is given by
where (kg m-2) is the total mass of snow
(both liquid and ice, in resolved snow layers or bulk snow),
are the masses of water phases
(kg m-2) in soil layer i,
are the precipitation forcing from the atmosphere (kg
m-2 s-1),
is the ice runoff
associated with snow-capping (below),
is the ground
evaporation (section, and
is the number of hydrologically active soil layers (as opposed to dry bedrock
layers). Precipitation, Evaporation, and Runoff¶
All precipitation reaches the ground, as there is no vegetated fraction.
As for other land types, incident snowfall accumulates (with ice mass
and thickness
) until its thickness
exceeds a minimum thickness
, at which point a
resolved snow layer is initiated, with water, ice, dissolved aerosol,
snow-grain radius, etc., state variables tracked by the Snow Hydrology
submodel (Chapter 2.8). The density of fresh snow is
assigned as for other land types (Chapter 2.8).
Solid precipitation is added immediately
to the snow, while liquid precipitation is added to snow layers, if they
exist, after accounting for dew, frost, and sublimation (below). If
after solid precipitation is
added but no snow layers are present, a new snow layer is initiated
immediately, and then dew, frost, and sublimation are accounted for.
Snow-capping is invoked if the snow depth
in which case additional precipitation and frost deposition is added to
If there are resolved snow layers, the generalized “evaporation”
(i.e., evaporation, dew, frost, and sublimation) is
treated as over other land units, except that the allowed evaporation
from the ground is unlimited (though the top snow layer cannot lose more
water mass than it contains). If there are no resolved snow layers but
, sublimation
(kg m-2 s-1) will be
given by
If , and there are no resolved snow
layers or the top snow layer is not unfrozen, then the rate of frost
. If
but the top snow layer has completely thawed during the Phase Change step
of the Lake Temperature solution (section, then
frost (or dew) is not allowed to accumulate (
), to
insure that the layer is eliminated by the Snow Hydrology
(Chapter 2.8) code. (If
then no snow is present (section, and
evaporation or dew deposition is balanced by
.) The
snowpack is updated for frost and sublimation:
If there are resolved snow layers, then this update occurs using the Snow
Hydrology submodel (Chapter 2.8). Otherwise, the
snow ice mass is updated directly, and is adjusted by the same
proportion as the snow ice (i.e., maintaining the same density), unless
there was no snow before adding the frost, in which case the density is
assumed to be 250 kg m-3. Soil Hydrology¶
The combined water and ice soil volume fraction in a soil layer
is given by
If , the pore volume fraction at
saturation (as may occur when ice melts), then the liquid water mass is
adjusted to
Otherwise, if excess ice is melting and
, then the
water in the layer is reset to
This allows excess ice to be initialized (and begin to be lost only after the pore ice is melted, which is realistic if the excess ice is found in heterogeneous chunks) but irreversibly lost when melt occurs. Modifications to Snow Layer Logic¶
A thickness difference
adjusts the minimum resolved snow layer thickness for lake columns as
compared to non-lake columns. The value of
is chosen to
satisfy the CFL condition for the model timestep. By default,
= 1 cm and
= 4 cm. See
Subin et al. (2012a; including Supporting Information)
for further discussion.
The rules for combining and sub-dividing snow layers (section
2.8.7) are
adjusted for lakes to maintain minimum thicknesses of
and to increase all target layer thicknesses by
. The
rules for combining layers are modified by simply increasing layer
thickness thresholds by
. The rules for dividing snow
layers are contained in a separate subroutine that is modified for
lakes, and is a function of the number of layers and the layer
thicknesses. There are two types of operations: (a) subdividing layers
in half, and (b) shifting some volume from higher layers to lower layers
(without increasing the layer number). For subdivisions of type (a), the
thickness thresholds triggering subdivision are increased by
for lakes. For shifts of type (b), the thickness
thresholds triggering the shifts are increased by
. At
the end of the modified subroutine, a snow ice and liquid balance check
are performed.
In rare instances, resolved snow layers may be present over an unfrozen top lake body layer. In this case, the snow layers may be eliminated if enough heat is present in the top layer to melt the snow: see Subin et al. (2012a, Supporting Information).