2.33. Land-Only Mode¶
In land-only mode (uncoupled to an atmospheric model), the atmospheric forcing required by CLM (Table 2.2.4) is supplied by observed datasets. The standard forcing provided with the model is a 110-year (1901-2010) dataset provided by the Global Soil Wetness Project (GSWP3; NEED A REFERENCE). The GSWP3 dataset has a spatial resolution of 0.5o X 0.5o and a temporal resolution of three hours.
An alternative forcing dataset is also available, CRUNCEP, a 110-year (1901-2010) dataset (CRUNCEP; Viovy 2011) that is a combination of two existing datasets; the CRU TS3.2 0.5o X 0.5o monthly data covering the period 1901 to 2002 (Mitchell and Jones 2005) and the NCEP reanalysis 2.5o X 2.5o 6-hourly data covering the period 1948 to 2010. The CRUNCEP dataset has been used to force CLM for studies of vegetation growth, evapotranspiration, and gross primary production (Mao et al. 2012, Mao et al. 2013, Shi et al. 2013) and for the TRENDY (trends in net land-atmosphere carbon exchange over the period 1980-2010) project (Piao et al. 2012). Version 7 is available here (Viovy 2011).
Here, the GSWP3 dataset, which does not include data for particular fields over oceans, lakes, and Antarctica is modified. This missing data is filled with Qian et al. (2006) data from 1948 that is interpolated by the data atmosphere model to the 0.5o GSWP3 grid. This allows the model to be run over Antarctica and ensures data is available along coastlines regardless of model resolution.
The forcing data is ingested into a data atmosphere model in three
“streams”; precipitation () (mm s-1), solar
radiation (
) (W m-2), and four other
fields [atmospheric pressure
(Pa), atmospheric specific
(kg kg-1), atmospheric
(K), and atmospheric wind
(m s-1)]. These are separate streams because they are
handled differently according to the type of field. In the GSWP3
dataset, the precipitation stream is provided at three hour intervals and
the data atmosphere model prescribes the same precipitation rate for
each model time step within the three hour period. The four fields that
are grouped together in another stream (pressure, humidity, temperature,
and wind) are provided at three hour intervals and the data atmosphere
model linearly interpolates these fields to the time step of the model.
The total solar radiation is also provided at three hour intervals. The
data is fit to the model time step using a diurnal function that depends
on the cosine of the solar zenith angle to provide a
smoother diurnal cycle of solar radiation and to ensure that all of the
solar radiation supplied by the three-hourly forcing data is actually
used. The solar radiation at model time step
where is the time step of the forcing data (3
3600 seconds hour-1 = 10800
is the model time step (seconds),
is the three-hourly solar radiation
from the forcing data (W m-2), and
is the cosine of the solar zenith angle
at model time step
(section 2.3.3). The term in the
denominator of equation (1) is the sum of the cosine of the solar zenith
angle for each model time step falling within the three hour period. For
numerical purposes,
The total incident solar radiation at the model time
is then split into near-infrared and visible
radiation and partitioned into direct and diffuse according to factors
derived from one year’s worth of hourly CAM output from CAM version
cam3_5_55 as
where , the ratio of visible to total incident solar
radiation, is assumed to be
The ratio of direct to total incident radiation in the visible
and in the near-infrared is
are coefficients from polynomial fits to the CAM data.
The additional atmospheric forcing variables required by Table 2.2.4 are
derived as follows. The atmospheric reference height
(m) is set to 30 m. The directional wind components are derived as
The potential temperature
(K) is set
to the atmospheric temperature
. The atmospheric
longwave radiation
(W m-2)
is derived from the atmospheric vapor pressure
(Idso 1981) as
and is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W m-2 K-4)
(Table 2.2.7). The fraction of
(mm s-1) falling as rain and/or
snow is
The aerosol deposition rates (14 rates as described in
Table 2.2.4) are provided by a
time-varying, globally-gridded aerosol deposition file developed by
Lamarque et al. (2010).
If the user wishes to provide atmospheric forcing data from another
source, the data format outlined above will need to be followed with the
following exceptions. The data atmosphere model will accept a
user-supplied relative humidity (%) and derive specific
(kg kg-1) from
where the atmospheric vapor pressure (Pa) is derived
from the water (
) or ice
) saturation vapor pressure
is the freezing temperature of water (K) (Table 2.2.7), and
is the pressure at height
(Pa). The
data atmosphere model will also accept a user-supplied dew point
(K) and derive specific humidity
Here, , the saturation vapor pressure as a function
of temperature, is derived from Lowe’s (1977) polynomials. If not
provided by the user, the atmospheric pressure
(Pa) is
set equal to the standard atmospheric pressure
Pa, and surface pressure
(Pa) is set equal
The user may provide the total direct and diffuse solar radiation,
. These will be time-interpolated using
the procedure described above and then each term equally apportioned
into the visible and near-infrared wavebands (e.g.,
2.33.1. Anomaly Forcing¶
The ‘Anomaly Forcing’ atmospheric forcing mode provides a means to drive CLM with projections of future climate conditions without the need for large, high-frequency datasets. From an existing climate simulation spanning both the historical and future time periods, a set of anomalies are created by removing a climatological seasonal cycle based on the end of the historical period from each year of the future time period of the simulation. These anomalies can then be applied to a repeating high-frequency forcing dataset of finite duration (e.g. 10 years). State and flux forcing variables are adjusted using additive and multiplicative anomalies, respectively:
where is the adjusted atmospheric state variable,
is the state variable from the high-frequency reference atmospheric
forcing dataset, and
is an additive anomaly.
is the adjusted atmospheric flux variable,
is the flux variable from the high-frequency reference
atmospheric forcing dataset, and
is a
multiplicative anomaly. State variables are temperature
, humidity
, and wind
. Flux variables are precipitation
, atmospheric
shortwave radiation
, and atmospheric
longwave radiation