2. CLM Technical Note¶
You are viewing the documentation for CLM5.0 (CESM2.1). There are separate versions of this documentation for each maintained CTSM release (e.g., CLM5.0) and for the latest development code. Use the menu at the top left to select the version of CTSM you are using.
- 2.1. Introduction
- 2.2. Surface Characterization, Vertical Discretization, and Model Input Requirements
- 2.3. Surface Albedos
- 2.4. Radiative Fluxes
- 2.5. Momentum, Sensible Heat, and Latent Heat Fluxes
- 2.6. Soil and Snow Temperatures
- 2.7. Hydrology
- 2.8. Snow Hydrology
- 2.9. Stomatal Resistance and Photosynthesis
- 2.10. Photosynthetic Capacity
- 2.11. Plant Hydraulics
- 2.12. Lake Model
- 2.13. Glaciers
- 2.14. Model for Scale Adaptive River Transport (MOSART)
- 2.15. Urban Model (CLMU)
- 2.16. CN Pools
- 2.17. Plant Respiration
- 2.18. Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen (FUN)
- 2.18.1. Introduction
- 2.18.2. Boundary conditions of FUN
- 2.18.3. Resolving N cost across simultaneous uptake streams
- 2.18.4. Nitrogen Retranslocation
- 2.18.5. Carbon expenditure on fixation and active uptake.
- 2.18.6. Modifications to allow variation in C:N ratios
- 2.18.7. Calculation of N uptake streams from active uptake and fixation
- 2.19. Carbon and Nitrogen Allocation
- 2.20. Vegetation Phenology and Turnover
- 2.21. Decomposition
- 2.21.1. CLM-CN Pool Structure, Rate Constants and Parameters
- 2.21.2. Century-based Pool Structure, Rate Constants and Parameters
- 2.21.3. Environmental modifiers on decomposition rate
- 2.21.4. N-limitation of Decomposition Fluxes
- 2.21.5. N Competition between plant uptake and soil immobilization fluxes
- 2.21.6. Final Decomposition Fluxes
- 2.21.7. Vertical Distribution and Transport of Decomposing C and N pools
- 2.21.8. Model Equilibration and its Acceleration
- 2.22. External Nitrogen Cycle
- 2.23. Plant Mortality
- 2.24. Fire
- 2.25. Methane Model
- 2.26. Crops and Irrigation
- 2.27. Transient Land Use and Land Cover Change
- 2.28. Dynamic Global Vegetation
- 2.29. Technical Documentation for FATES
- 2.29.1. Introduction
- 2.29.2. The representation of ecosystem heterogeneity in FATES
- 2.29.3. Initialization of vegetation from bare ground
- 2.29.4. Allocation of biomass
- 2.29.5. Canopy Structure and the Perfect Plasticity Approximation
- 2.29.6. Radiation Transfer
- 2.29.7. Photosynthesis
- 2.29.8. Plant respiration
- 2.29.9. Stomatal Conductance
- 2.29.10. Allocation and Growth
- 2.29.11. Control of Leaf Area Index
- 2.29.12. Phenology
- 2.29.13. Seed Dynamics and Recruitment
- 2.29.14. Litter Production and Fragmentation
- 2.29.15. Plant Mortality
- 2.29.16. Fire (SPITFIRE)
- 2.30. Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs)
- 2.31. Dust Model
- 2.32. Carbon Isotopes
- 2.33. Land-Only Mode
- 2.34. References