6. Data Ice (DICE)

DICE is normally used to provide observational forcing data to drive prognostic components. The various ways of running DICE is referred to as its mode.

6.1. Supported Data Modes

DICE has its own set of supported datamode values that appears in the dice_in namelist input. The datamode specifies what additional operations need to be done by DICE on ALL of the streams in the dice.streams.xml file. Each datamode value is also associated with a DICE source file that carries out these operations and these are listed in parentheses next to the mode name.

ssmi (dice_datamode_ssmi_mod.F90)
  • It provides sea-ice concantration data, which is derived from the passive microwave sensor SSM/I.

ssmi_iaf (dice_datamode_ssmi_mod.F90)
  • ssmi_iaf is the interannually varying version of ssmi.

6.2. Configuring DICE from CIME

If CDEPS is coupled to the CIME-CCS then the CIME $CASEROOT xml variable DICE_MODE will be generated based on the compset specification DICE%{DICE_MODE}. DICE_MODE will in term be used in the namelist_definition_dice.xml file to determine the collection of streams that are associated with DICE and also sets the dice namelist variable datamode in the file dice_in.

The following list describes the valid values of DICE_MODE (defined in the config_component.xml file for DICE), and how they relate to the associated input streams and the datamode namelist variable.

  • Reads data from file

  • dice_mode: ssmi

  • streams: ssmi_nyf

  • datamode: ssmi

  • Reads data from file

  • dice_mode: ssmi_iaf

  • streams: ssmi_iaf

  • datamode: ssmi_iaf

There are currently no DICE other specific xml variables in $CASEROOT/env_run.xml.