2. Input Streams

2.1. Overview

An input data stream is a time-series of input data files where all the fields in the stream are located in the same data file and all share the same spatial and temporal coordinates (ie. are all on the same grid and share the same time axis). Normally a time axis has a uniform dt, but this is not a requirement.

The data models can have multiple input streams.

The data for one stream may be all in one file or may be spread over several files. For example, 50 years of monthly average data might be contained all in one data file or it might be spread over 50 files, each containing one year of data.

The data models can loop over stream data – i.e., repeatedly cycle over some subset of an input stream’s time axis. When looping, the models can only loop over whole years. For example, an input stream might have SST data for years 1950 through 2000, but a model could loop over the data for years 1960 through 1980. A model cannot loop over partial years, for example, from 1950-Feb-10 through 1980-Mar-15.

The input data must be in a netcdf file and the time axis in that file must be CF-1.0 compliant.

There are two main categories of information that the data models need to know about a stream:

  • data that describes what a user wants – what streams to use and how to use them – things that can be changed by a user.

  • data that describes the stream data – meta-data about the inherent properties of the data itself – things that cannot be changed by a user.

Generally, information about what streams a user wants to use and how to use them is input via the strdata (“stream data”) Fortran namelist, while meta-data that describes the stream data itself is found in an xml-like text or ESMF config file called a “stream description file.”

2.2. Data Model Stream Input

The data models advance in time discretely. At a given time, the stream code is called to advance the data model by readind in fields from input files. Those input files have data on a discrete time axis as well. Each data point in the input files is associated with a discrete time (as opposed to a time interval). Depending on whether you pick lower, upper, nearest, linear, or coszen, the data in the input file will be “interpolated” to the time in the model.

2.2.1. XML format

In case of using XML format, stream-dependent input is named as d{model_name}.streams.xml, where model_name can be atm, ice, lnd, ocn, rof or wav. Multiple streams can be specified in the this XML file (see streams).

The schema for this xml file is as follows:

<file id="stream" version="2.0">

2.2.2. ESMF Config format

In case of using ESMF Config format, stream-dependent input is named as d{model_name}.streams`, where ``model_name can be atm, ice, lnd, ocn, rof or wav. Again, multiple streams can be specified in the this XML file (see streams).

The structure of ESMF config file is as follows:

file_id: "stream"
file_version: 2.0



In this case {id} is a formatted number like 01, 02, etc. that is used distinguish among each streams in the same data mode. The stream_info part will include multiple entry in case of using multiple stream to define data model. For example, stream_info can be structured as stream_info: CLMGSWP3v1.Solar01 CLMGSWP3v1.Precip02 CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW03 topo.observed04 for CLMNCEP data mode and other namelist options can be repeated for all streams by using 01, 02, 03, 04 as id in each stream respectively.

2.2.3. Definitions of each keys used in stream definition file


How to handle data outside the specified stream time axis. Valid options are to cycle the data based on the first, last, and align settings associated with the stream dataset, to extend the first and last valid value indefinitely, or to limit the interpolated data to fall only between the least and greatest valid value of the time array. Valid values are:

extend = extrapolate before and after the period by using the first or last value.

cycle = cycle between the range of data

limit = restrict to the period for which the data is valid


CIME-CCS default is cycle


Specifies time interpolation algorithm option. Valid values are:

lower = Use lower time-value

upper = Use upper time-value

nearest = Use the nearest time-value

linear = Linearly interpolate between the two time-values

coszen = Scale according to the cosine of the solar zenith angle (for solar)


CIME-CCS default is linear


Specifies data stream read mode. The valid values are:

single = Reads single record in each time

full_file = Read entire file (might be memory consuming for high-resolution cases)


CIME-CCS default is single


Specifies spatial interpolation algorithm to map stream data on stream mesh to stream data on model mesh. The used interpolation algorithm is based on the ones that are provided by ESMF library. Valid values are:

redist = Redistributes data from source mesh to destination mesh

nn = In this version of nearest neighbor interpolation each destination point is mapped to the closest source point. A given source point may go to multiple destination points, but no destination point will receive input from more than one source point.

bilinear = Bilinear interpolation. Destination value is a linear combination of the source values in the cell which contains the destination point. The weights for the linear combination are based on the distance of destination point from each source value.

consd = First-order conservative interpolation. The main purpose of this method is to preserve the integral of the field between the source and destination. Tt uses destination area normalization (ESMF_NORMTYPE_DSTAREA). Here the weights are calculated by dividing the area of overlap of the source and destination cells by the area of the entire destination cell.

consf = Same with consd but in this case it uses fraction area normalization (ESMF_NORMTYPE_FRACAREA). Here in addition to the weight calculation done for destination area normalization the weights are also divided by the fraction that the destination cell overlaps with the entire source grid.


CIME-CCS default is bilinear


More information about ESMF provided regridding options can be found in here.


Specifies delta time ratio limits placed on the time interpolation associated with the array of streams. Causes the model to stop if the ratio of the running maximum delta time divided by the minimum delta time is greater than the dtlimit for that stream.

For instance, with daily data, the delta time should be exactly one day throughout the dataset and the computed maximum divided by minimum delta time should always be 1.0. For monthly data, the delta time should be between 28 and 31 days and the maximum ratio should be about 1.1. The running value of the delta time is computed as data is read and any wraparound or cycling is also included. This input helps trap missing data or errors in cycling. to turn off trapping, set the value to 1.0e30 or something similar. In case of very high-resolution temporal datasets (i.e. hourly), the limit might need to be set to a value greater than 1.0 due to the round-off arithmetic.


CIME-CCS default is set to 1.5


The first year of stream data that will be used


The last year of stream data that will be used


The simulation year corresponding to yearFirst.

A common usage is to set this to the first year of the model run (for CIME-CCS this would correspond to the xml variable RUN_STARTDATE). With this setting, the forcing in the first year of the run will be the forcing of year yearFirst.

Another usage is to align the calendar of transient forcing with the model calendar. For example, setting yearAlign = yearFirst will lead to the forcing calendar being the same as the model calendar. The forcing for a given model year would be the forcing of the same year. This would be appropriate in transient runs where the model calendar is setup to span the same year range as the forcing data.


The following pertains to CIME-CCS details for yearAlign usage.

For some data model modes, yearAlign can be set via an xml variable whose name ends with YR_ALIGN (there are a few such xml variables, each pertaining to a particular data model mode).

An example of this is land-only historical simulations in which we run the model for 1850 to 2010 using atmospheric forcing data that is only available for 1901 to 2010. In this case, we want to run the model for years 1850 (so RUN_STARTDATE has year 1850) through 1900 by looping over the forcing data for 1901-1920, and then run the model for years 1901-2010 using the forcing data from 1901-2010. To do this, initially set:

./xmlchange DATM_YR_ALIGN=1901
./xmlchange DATM_YR_START=1901
./xmlchange DATM_YR_END=1920

When the model has completed year 1900, set:

./xmlchange DATM_YR_ALIGN=1901
./xmlchange DATM_YR_START=1901
./xmlchange DATM_YR_END=2010

With this setup, the correlation between model run year and forcing year looks like this:

RUN   Year : 1850 ... 1860 1861 ... 1870 ... 1880 1881 ... 1890 ... 1900 1901 ... 2010
FORCE Year : 1910 ... 1920 1901 ... 1910 ... 1920 1901 ... 1910 ... 1920 1901 ... 2010

Setting DATM_YR_ALIGN to 1901 tells the code that you want to align model year 1901 with forcing data year 1901, and then it calculates what the forcing year should be if the model starts in year 1850.


Specifies paired vector field names that will be rotated to make them relative to earth coordinates using source mesh coordinates. Then, rotated fields are remapped to the destination mesh. Rotating fields in the destination mesh to make them relative to the destination model mesh is the destination component responsibilty. For example, the valid value for vectors argument could be “Sa_u:Sa_v”. In the current version, there is no way to specify multiple vecors fields in same data stream.


CIME-CCS default is set to null


Specifies filename for mesh for all fields on the stream.


Specifies name of vertical dimension in stream.


CIME-CCS default is set to null


In case of usage of XML format to define data stream, each <file></file> entry contains a data files to use. If there is more than one file, the files must be in chronological order, that is, the dates in time axis of the first file are before the dates in the time axis of the second file.

The same rule also applies to the ESMF config format but in this case the files needs to be listed by seperating them with spaces.


In case of usage of XML format to define data stream, each <var></var> entry contains a paired list with the name of the variable in the netCDF file on the left and the name of the corresponding model variable on the right.

The same rule also applies to the ESMF config format but in this case the variable pairs needs to be listed by seperating them with spaces.


The offset allows a user to shift the time axis of a data stream by a fixed and constant number of seconds. For instance, if a data set contains daily average data with timestamps for the data at the end of the day, it might be appropriate to shift the time axis by 12 hours so the data is taken to be at the middle of the day instead of the end of the day. This feature supports only simple shifts in seconds as a way of correcting input data time axes without having to modify the input data time axis manually. This feature does not support more complex shifts such as end of month to mid-month. But in conjunction with the time interpolation methods in the strdata input, hopefully most user needs can be accommodated with the two settings. Note that a positive offset advances the input data time axis forward by that number of seconds.

As an example of offsets, if the input data is at 0, 3600, 7200, 10800 seconds (hourly) and you set an offset of 1800, then the input data will be set at times 1800, 5400, 9000, and 12600. So a model at time 3600 using linear interpolation would have data at “n=2” with offset of 0 will have data at “n=(2+3)/2” with an offset of 1800. n=2 is the 2nd data in the time list 0, 3600, 7200, 10800 in this example. n=(2+3)/2 is the average of the 2nd and 3rd data in the time list 0, 3600, 7200, 10800. Offset can be positive or negative.


CIME-CCS default is set to 0

2.3. Data Model Namelist Input

Each data model has an associated input namelist file, d{model_name}_in, where model_name=[datm,dlnd,dice,docn,drof,dwav].

The following namelist variables appear in each data model namelist:


Component specific mode.


Each data model has its own datamode values as described below:

Data Atmosphere

Data Ice

Data Land

Data Ocean

Data Runoff

Data Wave

2.4. CIME-CCS Customization of stream description files

Each data model’s cime-config/buildnml utility automatically generates the required stream description files for the case. The directory contents of each data model will look like the following, where model_name can be atm, ice, lnd, ocn, rof or wav


The namelist_definition_{model_name}.xml file defines and sets default values for all the namelist variables and associated groups and also provides out-of-the box settings for the target data model and target stream. buildnml utilizes these two files to construct the stream files for the given compset settings. You can modify the generated stream files for your particular needs by doing the following:

  1. Copy the relevant description file from $CASEROOT/CaseDocs to $CASEROOT. Change the permission of the file to write.

  2. Edit the $CASEROOT file with your desired changes.

    • Be sure not to put any tab characters in the file: use spaces instead.

  3. Call preview_namelists and verify that your changes do indeed appear in the resultant stream description file appear in CaseDocs/{model_name}streams.xml. These changes will also appear in $RUNDIR/{model_name}.streams.xml.

The stream_definition_{model_name}.xml file defines and sets default values for stream data sources such as list of variable pairs, stream data files spatial and temporal interpolation types. The file can be modified by folloiwng same approach that is used to modify namelist_definition_{model_name}.xml file.

2.5. Data Model Stream Inline API

As mentioned previously, the streams code can be used from either a CDEPS data model OR inline calls from a prognostic component. This is a very powerful feature in that data model input can be obtained using standardized interfaces and ESMF online mapping.

The inline API assumes that there is only one stream and consists of two calls: one to initialize the stream data type (shr_strdata_init):

subroutine shr_strdata_init_from_inline(sdat, my_task, logunit, compname, &
   model_clock, model_mesh, stream_meshfile, stream_lev_dimname, stream_mapalgo, &
   stream_filenames, stream_fldlistFile, stream_fldListModel, &
   stream_yearFirst, stream_yearLast, stream_yearAlign, &
   stream_offset, stream_taxmode, stream_dtlimit, stream_tintalgo, stream_name, rc)

! input/output variables
type(shr_strdata_type) , intent(inout) :: sdat                   ! stream data type
integer                , intent(in)    :: my_task                ! my mpi task
integer                , intent(in)    :: logunit                ! stdout logunit
character(len=*)       , intent(in)    :: compname               ! component name (e.g. ATM, OCN, ...)
type(ESMF_Clock)       , intent(in)    :: model_clock            ! model clock
type(ESMF_Mesh)        , intent(in)    :: model_mesh             ! model mesh
character(*)           , intent(in)    :: stream_meshFile        ! full pathname to stream mesh file
character(*)           , intent(in)    :: stream_lev_dimname     ! name of vertical dimension in stream
character(*)           , intent(in)    :: stream_mapalgo         ! stream mesh -> model mesh mapping type
character(*)           , intent(in)    :: stream_filenames(:)    ! stream data filenames (full pathnamesa)
character(*)           , intent(in)    :: stream_fldListFile(:)  ! file field names, colon delim list
character(*)           , intent(in)    :: stream_fldListModel(:) ! model field names, colon delim list
integer                , intent(in)    :: stream_yearFirst       ! first year to use
integer                , intent(in)    :: stream_yearLast        ! last  year to use
integer                , intent(in)    :: stream_yearAlign       ! align yearFirst with this model year
integer                , intent(in)    :: stream_offset          ! offset in seconds of stream data
character(*)           , intent(in)    :: stream_taxMode         ! time axis mode
real(r8)               , intent(in)    :: stream_dtlimit         ! ratio of max/min stream delta times
character(*)           , intent(in)    :: stream_tintalgo        ! time interpolation algorithm
character(*), optional , intent(in)    :: stream_name            ! name of stream
integer                , intent(out)   :: rc                     ! error code

and one to advance the stream (shr_strdata_advance):

subroutine shr_strdata_advance(sdat, ymd, tod, logunit, istr, timers, rc)

type(shr_strdata_type) ,intent(inout)       :: sdat    ! stream data type
integer                ,intent(in)          :: ymd     ! current model date
integer                ,intent(in)          :: tod     ! current model date
integer                ,intent(in)          :: logunit ! stdout logunit
character(len=*)       ,intent(in)          :: istr    ! string used for timing output
logical                ,intent(in), optional:: timers  ! currently not used
integer                ,intent(out)         :: rc      ! error code

2.6. Handling Stream Calendars

Handling stream calendars can be tricky if there are mismatches between the stream and data model calendars. CDEPS always uses the stream calendar for time interpolation for reasons described below. When there is a calendar mismatch, Feb 29 is supported in a special way as needed to get reasonable values. Note that when Feb 29 needs to be treated specially, a discontinuity will be introduced. The size of that discontinuity will depend on the time series input data. Four cases can occur:

  1. The stream calendar and model calendar are identical and CDEPS proceeds in the standard way.

  2. The stream has a no leap calendar and the model is on the gregorian calendar. Time interpolation is performed on the noleap calendar. If the model date is Feb 29, the code computes stream data for Feb 28 by setting model time to Feb 28. This results in duplicate stream data on Feb 28 and Feb 29 and a discontinuity at the start of Feb 29. This could potentially be fixed by using the gregorian calendar for time interpolation when the input data is relatively infrequent (say greater than daily) with the following concerns.

    • The forcing will not be reproduced identically on the same day with with climatological inputs data

    • Input data with variable input frequency might behave funny

    • An arbitrary discontinuity will be introduced in the time interpolation method based upon the logic chosen to transition from reproducing Feb 28 on Feb 29 and interpolating to Feb 29.

    • The time gradient of data will change by adding a day arbitrarily.

  3. The stream is a gregorian calendar and the model is a noleap calendar Time interpolate on the gregorian calendar. This causes Feb 29 stream data to be skipped and lead to a discontinuity at the start of March 1.

  4. The calendars mismatch and none of the above If the calendars mismatch and neither of the three cases above are recognized, then abort.