2. CMEPS application specific code

For each supported application, CMEPS contains two specific files that determine:

  • the allowed field names in the mediator and aliases for those names that the components might have
  • the fields that are exchanged between components
  • how source fields are mapped to destination fields
  • how source fields are merged after mapping to destination fields

Three application specific versions are currently contained within CMEPS:

  • for CESM: esmFldsExchange_cesm_mod.F90 and fd_cesm.yaml
  • for UFS-S2S: esmFldsExchange_nems_mod.F90 and fd_nems.yaml
  • for UFS-HAFS: esmFldsExchange_hafs_mod.F90 and fd_hafs.yaml

CMEPS advertises all possible fields that can be imported to and exported by the mediator for the target coupled system. Not all of these fields will be connected to the various components. The connections will be determined by what the components advertise in their respective advertise phase.

Across applications, component-specific names for the same fields may vary. The field dictionary is used to define how the application or component-specific name relates to the name that the CMEPS mediator uses for that field. The mediator variable names and their application specific aliases are found in the YAML field dictionary.

Details of the naming conventions and API’s of this file can be found in the description of the exchange of fields in CMEPS.

2.1. Field Naming Convention

The CMEPS field name convention in the YAML files is independent of the model components. The convention differentiates between variables that are state fields versus flux fields. The naming convention assumes the following one letter designation for the various components as well as the mediator.

import to mediator:

a => atmosphere
i => sea-ice
l => land
g => land-ice
o => ocean
r => river
w => wave

export from mediator (after mapping and merging):

x => mediator

State Variables:

State variables have a 3 character prefix followed by the state name. The prefix has the form S[a,i,l,g,o,r,w,x]_ and is followed by the field name.

As an example, Sx_t is the merged surface temperature from land, ice and ocean sent to the atmosphere for CESM.

Flux variables:

Flux variables specify both source and destination components and have a 5 character prefix followed by an identifier name of the flux. The first 5 characters of the flux prefix Flmn_ indicate a flux between components l and m, computed by component n. The flux-prefix is followed by the relevant flux-name.

mediator import flux prefixes:

Faxa_, atm flux computed by atm
Fall_, lnd-atm flux computed by lnd
Fioi_, ice-ocn flux computed by ice
Faii_, ice_atm flux computed by ice
Flrr_, lnd-rof flux computed by rof
Firr_, rof-ice flux computed by rof

mediator export flux prefixes:

Faxx_, mediator merged fluxes sent to the atm
Foxx_, mediator merged fluxes sent to the ocn
Fixx_, mediator merged fluxes sent to the ice

2.2. Exchange of fields

The application specific module, esmFldsExchange_xxx.F90 contains all of the information to determine how the mediator performs the exchange of fields between components. In particular, this module uses the subroutines addfld, addmap and addmrg to do the following:

  • addfld advertises all possible fields that the mediator can send to and receive from each component that is part of the target application
  • addmap determines how each source field is mapped from its source mesh to a target destinations mesh. Note that a given source field may be mapped to more than one destination meshes and so there can be more than one call to addmap for that source field.
  • addmrg determines how a collection of mapped source fields is merged to the target destination field.


In all these functions, specific components are accessed using a comp_index, where comp_index can be any of [compatm, compice, compglc, complnd, compocn, comprof, compwav].

This section describes the API for the calls that determine the above information. All of the API’s discussed below use the code in the generic module esmFlds.F90.

2.2.1. addfld

CMEPS advertises all possible fields that it can receive from a component or send to any component via a call to addfld. The API for this call is:

call addfld(fldListFr(comp_index)%flds, 'field_name')
call addfld(fldListTo(comp_index)%flds, 'field_name')


  • comp_index is the component index
  • 'field_name' is the field name that will be advertised

2.2.2. addmap

CMEPS determines how to map each source field from its source mesh to a target destination mesh via a call to addmap. The API for this call is:

call addmap(FldListFr(comp_index_src)%flds, 'field_name', comp_index_dst, maptype, mapnorm, mapfile)


  • comp_index_src is the source component index
  • comp_index_dst is the destination component index
  • maptype determines the mapping type and can have values of:
    • mapbilnr: bilinear mapping
    • mapconsf: first order conservative mapping with normalization type of conservative fraction.
    • mapconsd: first order conservative mapping with normalization type of conservative fraction.
    • mappatch: patch mapping
    • mapfcopy: redist mapping
    • mapnstod: nearest source to destination mapping
    • mapnstod_consd: nearest source to destination followed by conservative destination
    • mapnstod_consf: nearest source to destination followed by conservative fraction
  • mapnorm determines the mapping normalization and can have values of:

    • unset : no normalization is set, should only be used if maptype is ‘mapfcopy’
    • none : no normalization is done, should only be used if maptype is not ‘mapfcopy’
    • one : normalize by 1. (see description below for normalization)
    • lfrin : normalize by the lfrin field in FBFrac(complnd). Used to map lnd->atm (see description of fractions).
    • ifrac : normalize by the ‘ifrac’ field in FBFrac(compice). Used to map ice->atm (see description of fractions).
    • ofrac : normalize by the ‘ofrac’ field in FBFrac(compocn). Used to map ice->atm (see description of fractions).
    • custom : custom mapping and normalization will be done in the prep phase for the corresponding field (used to map glc->lnd).


    When mapnorm is used, the field will first be scaled by the relevant FBfrac before mapping and then unscaled by the same FBfrac after mapping. For example, when ifrac is the normalization, the field will be scaled by FBfrac(compice)[ifrac] before mapping and unscaled by the mapped FBFrac(compice)[ifrac] after mapping.

  • mapfile determines if a mapping file will be read in or the route handle will be generated at run time:

    • unset : online route handles will be generated
    • mapfile: read in corresponding full pathname. The <filename> is obtained as an attribute from the driver

Normalization : Fractional normalization is needed to improve the accuracy field exchanges between ice and ocean and atmosphere. Consider the case where one cell has an ice fraction of 0.3 and the other has a fraction of 0.5. Mapping the ice fraction to the atmospheric cell results in a value of 0.4. If the same temperatures are mapped in the same way, a temperature of -1.5 results which is reasonable, but not entirely accurate. Because of the relative ice fractions, the weight of the second cell should be greater than the weight of the first cell. Taking this into account properly results in a fraction weighted ice temperature of -1.625 in this example. This is the fraction correction that is carried out whenever ocean and ice fields are mapped to the atmosphere grid. Note that time varying fraction corrections are not required in other mappings to improve accuracy because their relative fractions remain static.

Example :

call addmap(fldListFr(compice)%flds, 'Si_snowh', compatm, mapconsf, 'ifrac', 'unset')

This will create an entry in fldListFr(compatm) specifying that the Si_snowh field from the ice should be mapped conservatively to the atmosphere using fractional normalization where the ice fraction is obtained from FBFrac(compice)[snowh]. The route handle for this mapping will be created at run time.

2.2.3. addmrg

CMEPS determines how to map a set of one or more mapped source fields to create the target destination field in the export state. The API for this call is:

call addmrg(fldListTo(comp_index_dst)%flds, dst_fieldname, &
            mrg_from1, mrg_fld1, mrg_type1, mrg_fracname1, &
            mrg_from2, mrg_fld2, mrg_type2, mrg_fracname2, &
            mrg_from3, mrg_fld3, mrg_type3, mrg_fracname3, &
            mrg_from4, mrg_fld4, mrg_type4, mrg_fracname4)


  • mrg_fromN, mrgfldN, mrgtypeN and mrg_fracnameN, where N=[1,2,3,4], are optional arguments. mrgfrom1 is corresponds to the first source component index (e.g. compatm).
  • mrg_fromN: is an integer corresponding to the source component index
  • mrg_fldN : is a character string corresponding to the field name in the mapped field bundle of the source component with index mrg_fromN
  • mrg_typeN: the type of merging that will be carried out for component with index mrg_fromN. The allowed values are:
    • copy: simply copy the source mapped field into the destination field bundle
    • copy_with_weights: weight the mapped source field by its fraction on the destination mesh.
    • sum_with_weights: do a cumulative sum of all the mapped source fields where each field is weighed by by its fraction on the destination mesh.
    • sum_with_weights: do a cumulative sum of all the mapped source fields.

For copy_with_weights and sum_with_weights, the mapped source field is weighted by mrg_fracnameN in FBFrac(comp_index_dst). If copy_with_weights is chose as the mrg_typeN value then mrg_fracnameN is also required as an argument. If sum_with_weights is chose as the mrg_typeN value then mrg_fracnameN is also required as an argument.