6.3. CMEPS field names

The following state names are currently supported. Note that each application might only use a subset of these fields.

“Atmospheric State Names (import to mediator)”
stat name description
Sa_co2diag diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level
Sa_co2prog prognostic CO2 at the lowest model level
Sa_dens air density at lowest model layer
Sa_pbot air pressure at lowest model layer
Sa_pslv air pressure at land and sea surface
Sa_ptem potential temperature at lowest model layer
Sa_shum air specific humidity at lowest model layer
Sa_tbot air temperature at lowest model layer
Sa_topo surface topographic height
Sa_u air zonal wind at lowest model layer
Sa_v air meridional wind at lowest model layer
Sa_z air height wind at lowest model layer
“Sea Ice State Names (import to mediator)”
name description
Si_anidf sea ice near infrared diffuse albedo
Si_anidr sea ice near infrared direct albedo
Si_avsdf sea ice visible diffuse albedo
Si_avsdr sea ice visible direct albedo
Si_ifrac sea ice fraction
Si_imask sea ice land mask
Si_ifrac_n ice fraction by thickness category
Si_qref reference height specific humidity
Si_qref_wiso reference specific water isotope humidity at 2 meters
Si_t sea ice surface temperature
Si_tref reference height temperature
Si_u10 10m wind speed
Si_vice volume of sea ice per unit area
Si_snowh surface snow water equivalent
Si_vsno volume of snow per unit area
“Land State Names (import to mediator)”
name description
“Ocean State Names (import to mediator)”
name description
So_blddepth ocean boundary layer depth
So_anidf ocean near infrared diffuse albedo
So_anidr ocean near infrared direct albedo
So_avsdf ocean visible diffuse albedo
So_avsdr ocean visible direct albedo
So_bldepth ocean mixed layer depth
So_dhdx sea surface slope in meridional direction
So_dhdy sea surface slope in zonal direction
So_duu10n 10m wind speed
So_fswpen shortwave penetration through sea ice (all bands)
So_ofrac ocean fraction
So_omask ocean land mask
So_qref reference specific humidity at 2 meters
So_re square of exchange coefficient for tracers (mediator aoflux)
So_s sea surface salinity
So_ssq surface saturation specific humidity in ocean (mediator aoflux)
So_t sea surface temperature
So_tref reference temperature at 2 meters
So_u ocean current in zonal direction
So_u10 10m wind speed
So_ustar friction velocity (mediator aoflux)
So_v ocean current in meridional direction
“Land Ice State Names (import to mediator)”
name description
“Wave State Names (import to mediator) “
name description
Sw_hstokes Stokes drift depth
Sw_lamult Langmuir multiplier
Sw_ustokes Stokes drift u-component
Sw_vstokes Stokes drift v-component
“Mediator State Names (export from mediator)”
name description
Sx_qref merged reference specific humidity at 2 meters
Sx_t merged ice and ocean surface temperature
Sx_tref merged reference temperature at 2 meters
Sx_u10 merged 10m wind speed

6.3.1. State Variables

The following flux prefixes are used:

flux prefix description
Faxa_ atm flux computed by atm
Fall_ lnd-atm flux computed by lnd
Fioi_ ice-ocn flux computed by ice
Faii_ ice_atm flux computed by ice
Flrr_ lnd-rof flux computed by rof
Firr_ rof-ice flux computed by rof
Faxx_ mediator merged fluxes sent to the atm
Foxx_ mediator merged fluxes sent to the ocn
Fixx_ mediator merged fluxes sent to the ice

The following flux-names are used:

flux name description
_evap air-ice evaporative water flux, positive downwards
_lat air-ice latent heat, positive downwards
_lwup air-ice surface longwave flux, positive downwards
_sen air-ice sensible heat, positive downwards
_swnet net short wave, positive downwards
_melth net heat flux to ocean from ice
_meltw fresh water flux to ocean from ice
_salt salt to ocean from ice
_swpen flux of shortwave through ice to ocean
_swpen_vdr flux of visible direct shortwave through ice to ocean
_swpen_vdf flux of visible diffuse shortwave through ice to ocean
_swpen_idr flux of near infrared direct through ice to ocean
_swpen_idf flux of near infrared diffuse through ice to ocean
_taux zonal stress, positive downwards
_tauy air-ice meridional stress, positive downwards
_q ice-ocn freezing melting potential