6.2. CMEPS CESM attributes

The following additional attributes are required for CESM model applications.

6.2.1. General

diro, logfile
Specifies the full pathname of the directory and filename of the directory and file name for mediator log output. For CESM this is determine in the attribute group MED_modelio that is generated by the CIME case control system.
if true, select per ice thickness category fields are passed to the ocean.

6.2.2. Toggle for active compoenents

ATM_model, GLC_model, ICE_model, LND_model, ROF_model, OCN_model, WAV_model
In CESM, stub components are still used. These attributes determine if the component is a stub component and sets the mediator present flag for that component to false.

6.2.3. Mediator Mapping file attributes

If a mapping file value is set to unset, then CMEPS will create an online route handle instead.
ice2atm_fmapname, ice2atm_smapname
ice -> atm fluxes and state mapping files
lnd2atm_fmapname, lnd2atm_smapname
land -> atm fluxes and state mapping files
ocn2atm_smapname, ocn2atm_fmapname
ocean -> atm fluxes and state mapping files
atm2lnd_fmapname, atm2lnd_smapname
atm -> land fluxes and state mapping files
atm2ice_fmapname, atm2ice_smapname, atm2ice_vmapname
atmosphere -> sea-ice fluxes, state, and velocities
atm2ocn_fmapname, atm2ocn_smapname, atm2ocn_vmapname
atmosphere -> ocean fluxes, state, and velocities
river -> land flux mapping file
glc2lnd_fmapname, glc2lnd_smapname
land-ice -> land fluxes and state mapping files
“smoothed” land-ice -> sea-ice liquid mapping file
glc2ocn_liq_rmapname, glc2ocn_ice_rmapname
“smoothed” land-ice -> ocean liquid and ice mapping files
rof2ocn_liq_rmapname, rof2ocn_ice_rmapname
“smoothed” river -> ocean liquid and ice mapping file
wave -> ocean state mapping file
land -> river flux mapping file
lnd2glc_fmapname, lnd2glc_smapname
land -> land-ice flux and state mapping file
atm2wav_smapname, ice2wav_smapname, ocn2wav_smapname
atmosphere -> wave, ice -> wave and ocean -> wave state mapping files
used for atm->ocn and atm-ice mapping of u and v if true, rotate u,v to 3d cartesian space, map from src->dest, then rotate back

6.2.4. Mediator ocean albedo attributes

The following are used by CMEPS to calculate ocean albedoes in used in med_phases_ocnalb_mod.F90
Determines if start type of the run. The currently supported values are startup, continue and branch.

orbital model setting configured. The supported values are:

fixed_year:  uses the orb_iyear and other orb inputs are ignored.  In
this mode, the orbital parameters are constant and based on the year.

variable_year: uses the orb_iyear and orb_iyear_align.  In this mode,
the orbital parameters vary as the model year advances and the model
year orb_iyear_align has the equivalent orbital year of orb_iyear.

fixed_parameters: uses the orb_eccen, orb_mvelp, and orb_obliq to set
the orbital parameters which then remain constant through the model integration
year of orbit, used when orb_mode is fixed_year or variable_year
model year associated with orb_iyear when orb_mode is variable_year
obliquity of orbit in degrees, used when orb_mode is fixed_parameters
eccentricity of orbit, used when orb_mode is fixed_parameters.
location of vernal equinox in longitude degrees, used when orb_mode is fixed_parameters

6.2.5. Mediator land-ice component attribtes


Whether to renormalize the surface mass balance (smb) sent from lnd to glc so that the global integral on the glc grid agrees with the global integral on the lnd grid.

Unlike most fluxes, smb is remapped with bilinear rather than conservative mapping weights, so this option is needed for conservation. However, conservation is not required in many cases, since we often run glc as a diagnostic (one-way-coupled) component.

Allowable values are: on: always do this renormalization

off: never do this renormalization (see WARNING below)

on_if_glc_coupled_fluxes: Determine at runtime whether to do this renormalization. Does the renormalization if we’re running a two-way-coupled glc that sends fluxes to other components (which is the case where we need conservation). Does NOT do the renormalization if we’re running a one-way-coupled glc, or if we’re running a glc-only compset (T compsets). (In these cases, conservation is not important.) Only used if running with a prognostic GLC component. WARNING: Setting this to ‘off’ will break conservation when running with an evolving, two-way-coupled glc.

Period at which coupler averages fields sent to GLC (the land-ice component). This supports doing the averaging to GLC less frequently than GLC is called (i.e., separating the averaging frequency from the calling frequency). This is useful because there are benefits to only averaging the GLC inputs as frequently as they are really needed (yearly for CISM), but GLC needs to still be called more frequently than that in order to support mid-year restarts. Setting glc_avg_period to ‘glc_coupling_period’ means that the averaging is done exactly when the GLC is called (governed by GLC_NCPL).
glc coupling interval in seconds